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World Book or Britannica encyclopedias

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as much as I would love to have a full set of encyclopdieas it just isn't an option. just not sure which one to get. want something that is on the go with our laptops and don't always need internet connections. which one do you have or have used? what did you like and not like about the one you have? just looking for the pros n cons of each. thanks in advance

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If your children are primarily 8th grade and younger, I would recommend World Book over Britannica. The World Book series is written for children all the way through high school, but they gear articles for the expected reader level. For example, an article about dogs will be written at a more elementary level than one about WWII history. Also, things may have changed in recent years, but type font was more "friendly", less dense with World Book than with our inherited Encyclopedia Britannica.


We got a lightly-used set of World Book when our children were young and it was a favorite resource to pull out and browse for many years. Now, with only my youngest at home, we still pull it out on occasion to find out what we need.




Vicki in MNE

Mom to 5 (1 at home, 2 in college, 2 college grads!)

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