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At those ages I would stick to the Disney one where Robin Hood is a fox. My personal favorite is Robin Hood - Men in Tights though.


Errol Flynn. We read Howard Pyle's version of Robin Hood and the Errol Flynn version has the same jovial attitude.


This is probably what we'll look for then. We're currently reading the Howard Pyle Robin Hood and I'm looking for something along the same lines. Thanks! :)


I'd say the Errol Flynn one too--it's a lot of fun. We actually had it for a birthday party one year and it was great! However, that movie has a special meaning here, since all the foresty scenes were filmed in our local park. We play in that creek all the time. :)


Also, if they are into it, the BBC has put out a fantastic Robin Hood TV show. It is available on Netflix.



It absolutely is an Adaptation. But our family absolutely has loved this. Three seasons.


Richard Armitage (Guy of Gisborn) briefly eclipses Jonas Armstrong (RH). First few episodes are a bit cheesy, but they know how to have fun with the classic tale. Lots of character development. Really brings a deeper dimension (and a modern twist) on RH.


And it's filmed outside of Budapest in a breath-taking forest.


In the RH tradition, at the beginning of each episode, the Sheriff and Guy commit a brief act of violence against the peasants . . . which provokes RH and his gang to step in and take action. So, be forewarned, but should not be disturbing to most American children who watch movies.


And yes, again, we became big fans.

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