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Would It Be Wrong...


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Bacon dipped into hollandaise sauce. The bacon here in Australia is different than North American bacon (I woud call it smoked ham, not bacon because it doesn't come from the belly area. More similar to back-bacon) and doesn't really "do" anything for me so I have been suffering sans bacon. Now Hollandaise I whip up at a moment's notice and if anyone looks at me funny I just tell them the "baby" wanted some and they leave me alone.


Now I want bacon :drool5: I've heard rumours there is a deli about an hour away that caters to North Americans and makes their own bacon. May have to take a wee drive down there.

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Bacon dipped into hollandaise sauce. The bacon here in Australia is different than North American bacon (I woud call it smoked ham, not bacon because it doesn't come from the belly area. More similar to back-bacon) and doesn't really "do" anything for me so I have been suffering sans bacon. Now Hollandaise I whip up at a moment's notice and if anyone looks at me funny I just tell them the "baby" wanted some and they leave me alone.


Now I want bacon :drool5: I've heard rumours there is a deli about an hour away that caters to North Americans and makes their own bacon. May have to take a wee drive down there.



I had a friend recently go to America, she complained about the bacon there as it was only the streaky bit without the eye.

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