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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning, Hive family! It's time to tackle another day.


I might actually slow down a bit today because my original plans (to finish all Christmas prep today ) are too ambitious I think. I want to keep chugging but I don't want to be so driven that I get no joy out of this at all.


So my list today:


Buy those stupid colored envelopes. Staples has them according to their website. I will try not to grumble as I have to spend an entire hour to go there, buy them and get back home. Remind me to buy enough stamps while I'm out.


Dd11 has chosen 6 different cookies to make. This is the part that I think it is a bit ambitious. We might only make 3 kinds today and 3 tomorrow.


Clean the kitchen


The clean laundry pile has become freakishly big. I need to fold and put away. We might have an "elf party". This is where I do the folding and the kids pretend that they are elves and "steal" the clothes away to put them away for me. The 15 year old doesn't find this as fun anymore but he can help me with the folding part.


I need to raid my neighbor's fridge. Don't worry - she asked me to do it. She's overseas right now and forgot to empty out her fridge.

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NO! And you can't make me, so there! Actually, I need to hit the road and try to finish up my shopping. I have all the difficult people left to do, and didn't get a list in time to shop from my chair, so I have to go out in the retail world today. :glare: Margaret, I hope the weather holds for you! Jean, good luck w/ all those cookies. I'm hoping we will get some made this year. I would be happy w/ 2 kinds at this point.

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I got a ton done yesterday which is great. In fact I was so busy I didn't get a chance to come back and update.


(Jean - don't forget stamps! :))




breakfast eaten

Bunch of emails answered




Email Darrell






Call my dad

Make soup

Tidy desk

Grocery store


Mark ups done




Charitable contributions mailed

City paperwork

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I'm barely about to get started. Today I need to complete the following:


Find yearbook order form, write check and send it out


Fax attendance papers to schools


Clean in my daily zone, which are the bathrooms and laundry room


Tidy up the kitchen


Finish ordering she's Christmas gifts and cross my fingers that they arrive on time


Help all my DDs study for their final exams


Wrap gifts

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10:15 check in. I am on a roll! Dishwasher is humming. We counted what we have and we actually don't need stamps! We are headed out the door for the blasted envelopes.


The kids have dubbed today's music as "music we can't understand" but it has motivated ds15 to drag out the bandurria that we bought in the Philippines to try and play it.

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I don't really wanna, Jean. I don't want to tackle today at all. I want to watch a Harry Potter, #7 part 2 sounds good.

Alas, I will not be able to do that today.


Here's my list:


Finish getting homeschool resources together for a friend who is so fed up with PS that she's pulling her 7th grader NOW. She'll be coming over tonight.


I'm loading up my finished scrapbook pages to the website I order the prints from. They take about 4 minutes a page, so it's time consuming.


I have a house to clean at noon.


Laundry. Always the laundry.


I'm trying to keep my kids separated this morning. They seem to be fighting lots today. Well, bickering, which is almost worse. The younger is outside now annoying the neighbors with his cap gun. The older is in the shower, finally. Lazy day here all around.


Plus the usuals, meals, tidying, dishes....


It's a gloomy, overcast day here. And I found out yesterday my good friend's cancer is so wide-spread he will be gone by Valentine's Day. I'm having a really hard time dealing with that. He's got a 2 yo and a lady who loves him. I've promised to help him write letters to his little girl. I'm worried I won't have the strength to do that. I'm hoping I find the courage somewhere. Maybe I'll get some for Christmas. So, gloomy all around today. But, I continue to march forward.

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This is Baking Day. The challenge will be stopping Aidan from stealing cookies off the cooling rack. (Jean, the word crate should be removed from your vocabulary. I can hear you say it. Over and over.)


Tonight will be Physics Night. DD came home yesterday with the name of a tutor. I said, "What! You want me to pay money for something I can tutor you in myself!?"


DD: But Mom, you've never taken a physics class.


Me: To whom do you think you are speaking? I have a high IQ, and I can pick up the information in no time flat! Bring me the book and I'll look it over while you are at school tomorrow!


DD: I need it for class. A is home from college; I'll ask him to help me.


Me: No need! I can handle this!


DD: I should have taken piano lessons when I was a child. That might have helped me with physics.


Me: You are still a child. You don't need a piano because you have me!


That was a mistake. Maybe. I haven't read the chapters they've covered this semester yet. Luckily, a tutor wouldn't start working with DD until after the holidays, so if I am not a Physics Wonder, we can fix the ensuing problem.


Meanwhile, DD is probably wondering if I'm senile.

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Here's my list for the rest of the day...


Read aloud time

check on ds to make sure he's working on his math.

rehearse audition music w/ds so he will actually practice (this might take 1 1/2 hours or so.)

set the rice cooker for dinner.

plan meals for Wed. and Thurs. so we use up most of the food in the fridge before going out of town.

make more road trip packing/grocery lists

More laundry so we can pack tomorrow

Get out luggage

go to Goodwill buy a winter coat for 6yodd

go back to the vet. to give them the paperwork I forgot this morning

bring dd to modern dance class

read some more Love Among the Chickens (Wodehouse) - optional really, but maybe necessary for my own sanity. :willy_nilly:


I see that I can finish 4 of these in the next 20 minutes.

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I have had the most unproductive day thus far. Oh well. The kids have been fed, have played outside, have played inside, and are now working on afternoon chores. The rest of the day will be busy. Whatever doesn't get done today will still be here tomorrow!


So far (as of 2pm)





Make dinner in crockpot (angel chicken)

Make sure dd15 completes her English assignment, Spanish test, and math

Take dd15 to dance at a local nursing home (1:15)

hug my children



4 loads of laundry (stripping beds today)

Clean kitchen and bathrooms

hug my children and make sure my family knows how much I love them




Chores (vacuuming, sweeping)

Remake beds with clean linens

Work on Christmas cards

Mail present to nieces & MIL

hug my children some more

Pick dd15 up (2:45pm)

DD5’s parent performance at dance studio (4-5pm)


Dd15 dance classes 4-8pm



hug my children more


Finish wrapping presents


My message to you all today...."May your days be both productive and filled with love and joy! Be sure that we don't get so caught up in our to-do lists that we miss the beauty of each day!"

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11 am check in : I have envelopes! Woo hoo!


Ds has decided to tune the bandurria like a 12 string guitar. This is not correct but if it means that it gets played instead of sitting in the closet, that's good.


Dd is making baking stations for each of the 3 cookies we're making today: chocolate thumbprints, meringue kiss sandwiches and peppermint brownie bites.


I am going to set up the Christmas newsletter assembly line.

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This respiratory virus has kicked my butt. I really wanted to to just sit today but some things really needed tending to...I swept the kitchen, did 3 loads of laundry and wiped down the kitchen. I am done! Forgot I cleaned my bathroom, too.

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Wow, sounds like everyone is off to a great start.


MamaAkins, I think that is a wonderful reminder.


Kalah, I am sorry to hear about your friend, it is such a vicious disease.


Jean, great to hear you have the envelopes.




Well, it is 8.12am on Wednesday morning here. I have managed to have breakfast and put a load of laundry on. I have fed the nearly 3yr old and laughed when he pointed to the salt container and said I don't want that sugar cause it's too salty. I kindly let him know it was salt not sugar which was the reason it was salty. Funny boy. DD11 has gone to deliver the last of her pamphlets.


Finish getting all breakfasted and dressed.


Get all beds made and rooms tidy.


Vacuum the living areas.


Clean the toilet.


Mop the floors.


Tidy the drawers in the kitchen (the inside of my kitchen cupboards and drawers is utter chaos thanks to my family who have been helping me while I'm sick but forgetting where things belong and tossing them in the closest or easiest cupboard).


Take my blossoms for a walk in the forest. It is a beautiful day here, but I think it will be too hot for walking unshaded for long.


Feed everyone throughout the day. Maybe even bake something.



I think that might be it for today, as my arm is quite sore today so don't want to overdo it.

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You guys are all on a roll today! :hurray:


It's 2:15pm and I've just about finished cleaning house, laundry...just need to iron and I'm making another quilt this afternoon for the grand baby.


I'll make dinner around 5pm and we will eat at 6pm.


I'm going to start to tackle All's Quiet on the Western Front tonight as I finished Alas, Babylon last night.


Have a super Tuesday everyone! :D

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My "to do" list today... go pick up my sister from the airport in a couple hours!!


Until then... I'm just relaxing and doing NOTHING productive. :)


Well, I did wash the dishes. They are sitting in the rack to dry and I *might* put them away before I go get sis, but am not guaranteeing anything. :D

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Noonish report: The newsletters are all folded, stuffed, labeled, and stamped. They survived having ds' water being dumped on them :ohmy: (only a couple actually got wet). Now I have to figure out what to do about the couple of international ones that dd put U.S. first class postage on. Not a huge problem - it will just take some individual handling.


We are tired from the morning. We will relax a bit, have lunch and then jump into cookie baking feet first!

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I'm in!

Put a load of laundry in, all my favorite stuff needed a wash.

Took dd to physical therapy.

Got a call from youngest at PT wherein she told me there was a "really bad plasticy burning smell" coming from the washer, told her to call her Dad.

Got out the the car and it wouldn't start, called dh to come fix the loose dohicky and home we went.

Got home from PT to a newly washed floor due to flooding of now dead washing machine and all MY favorite clothes are soapy and soaked. Floor looks great.

Choked down lunch and took dd to doctor. 3 hours later we are home with an adjusted prescription for zoloft, another prior authorization for her next round of PT and another list of therapists to try.

Now taking apart the pantry because our new option for a washer/dryer apparently doesn't include replacing the stackable unit we have now and we need to rearrange everything to fit in side by sides.

Waiting for call backs from Craig's List ads for washer dryers dh has responded to.

Now I have to rinse my laundry in the bathtub, hand wring it and hang it in the basement for the woodstove to dry.


All in all though, feeling pretty blessed these days.

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1:20 and time to get started on the afternoon. What I really want to do is to curl up with a book, a blanket and some hot chocolate. But there is no rest for the wicked.


Dd11 has started making meringues. I tried to help her but she is so darn competent that I'm "helping" by coming in here for a few minutes until she does need me. Hey, she needed me to open a tough lid!


Ds15 is as unmotivated as I am but I'm being mean and am making him fold and put away laundry. If I didn't, he'd fritter away even more time on computer games.

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Lizzie, I so recognise your day. Hang in there. It is great knowing how blessed you are despite all the chaos that happens around you.


Jean, I so identify with the desire to curl up with the book.


It is 11.30 here, just having a cup of tea, then will hang out the last load of washing for the day.


Finish getting all breakfasted and dressed.


Get all beds made and rooms tidy.


Vacuum the living areas.


Clean the toilet.


Mop the floors.


Tidy the drawers in the kitchen (the inside of my kitchen cupboards and drawers is utter chaos thanks to my family who have been helping me while I'm sick but forgetting where things belong and tossing them in the closest or easiest cupboard).


Take my blossoms for a walk in the forest. It is a beautiful day here, but I think it will be too hot for walking unshaded for long.


Feed everyone throughout the day. Maybe even bake something.



I have managed to hang two big loads of laundry out as it is such a gorgeous day with a beautiful breeze. One to go.


Not convinced the kids rooms and beds will get done today but that's ok. I'm no longer embarrassed about people coming to visit, and we did end up with visitors popping in this morning which was lovely. Now I just have to come up with an idea for lunch.

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2:30 pm. I get to chill for 30 min. while the cookie batter chills in the refrigerator. Then I will clean the kitchen again (since the cookie batter will still have 30 more min. to go) before we get going on baking again.


Ds is almost done with laundry folding.


We have the meringue kisses done. I had the priceless opportunity of trying to teach my dd how to pipe them, being told I was hopelessly outdated in my technique and then having her come back to say "Oh, so that's why you said to do it that way!" They came out very nicely.


We are halfway done with the chocolate thumbprints.

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7:30pm update





Make dinner in crockpot (angel chicken)

Make sure dd15 completes her English assignment, Spanish test, and math

Take dd15 to dance at a local nursing home (1:15)

hug my children

4 loads of laundry (stripping beds today)

Clean kitchen and bathrooms

Chores (vacuuming, sweeping)

Pick dd15 up (2:45pm)

DD5’s parent performance at dance studio (4-5pm)


Dd15 dance classes 4-8pm



Remake beds with clean linens



Work on Christmas cards

Mail present to nieces & MIL

hug my children some more

pick dd15 up at dance (8pm)




Finish wrapping presents

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I'm still going. I feel more like a sad slug than the Energizer bunny though. I could add "Have Pity Party" to my done list but that seems a bit dramatic even for me.




breakfast eaten





Call my dad

Make soup

Grocery store


Bunch of emails answered



Email Darrell


Tidy desk

Mark ups done



Charitable contributions mailed

City paperwork




It's a gloomy, overcast day here. And I found out yesterday my good friend's cancer is so wide-spread he will be gone by Valentine's Day. I'm having a really hard time dealing with that. He's got a 2 yo and a lady who loves him. I've promised to help him write letters to his little girl. I'm worried I won't have the strength to do that. I'm hoping I find the courage somewhere. Maybe I'll get some for Christmas. So, gloomy all around today. But, I continue to march forward.



I'm so sorry. ((HUGS))

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Here's my list for the rest of the day...


Read aloud time

check on ds to make sure he's working on his math.

rehearse audition music w/ds so he will actually practice (this might take 1 1/2 hours or so.)

set the rice cooker for dinner.

plan meals for Wed. and Thurs. so we use up most of the food in the fridge before going out of town.

make more road trip packing/grocery lists

More laundry so we can pack tomorrow

Get out luggage

go to Goodwill buy a winter coat for 6yodd

go back to the vet. to give them the paperwork I forgot this morning

bring dd to modern dance class

read some more Love Among the Chickens (Wodehouse) - optional really, but maybe necessary for my own sanity. :willy_nilly:


I see that I can finish 4 of these in the next 20 minutes.



Dh will take dd to dance class, so miracle of miracles, I just have to find the other suitcase and send a couple emails.

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5 pm update:


Chocolate thumbprints are done. They and the meringues are already on the plates that are being made up for the neighbors. The peppermint brownie bites are in the oven. Ds15 came to the rescue and finished those for me. Dd11 is fried and is close to migraine territory. I needed to run to the store and get deli salads and meatloaf for dinner because dinner prep wasn't going to happen amidst all the baking that was still going on.


I am jettisoning the neighbor's refrigerator from today's list. It can hop back on the list tomorrow. Other than that can you believe that we got it all done? .

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So it's a little after 4pm, and I've achieved most of my list. I also managed to make some paper snowflakes with DD9 and DS7. I'm planning on taking the boys for a walk tonight in the forest after dinner when DH takes the girls to friends to practice a play.



Finish getting all breakfasted and dressed.


Get all beds made and rooms tidy.


Vacuum the living areas.


Clean the toilet.


Mop the floors.


Tidy the drawers in the kitchen (the inside of my kitchen cupboards and drawers is utter chaos thanks to my family who have been helping me while I'm sick but forgetting where things belong and tossing them in the closest or easiest cupboard).


Take my blossoms for a walk in the forest. It is a beautiful day here, but I think it will be too hot for walking unshaded for long.


Feed everyone throughout the day. Maybe even bake something.

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Yeah, the joys of having summer when you all are having winter, however, I do feel quite jealous when you all have summer and we have winter.


Didn't end up walking and now that's it's after 7, I've lost any semblance of motivation. Plus DH and the girls have gone out.

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