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homeschooling and getting sick

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We are home a lot (I guess that's kind of a given) and it seems like most of the time we get together with friends or go to the park or library story time my ds gets sick. Does this mean he needs to get out more and be exposed more to build up his immune system? He is 5. Usually he gets sick, then my 3 yr old gets sick.

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Pretty normal for young kids like that to get sick, and yep, that's how they build their immune system. My oldest doesn't get sick as much as my younger two do. He's been exposed to things and gotten sick when he was their age, so now he doesn't catch things as easily. He's more like his daddy now, hardly ever getting anything beyond a slight stuffy nose.

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I think it is normal for a kid that age ... My oldest 3 got sick a lot when they were that age ... my current 5 year old used to get sick all the time and not as much anymore but I think our family had been exposed to a lot while in the public schools for a few years. In Jan 2011 we had RSV, pneumonia and a few other nasty bugs go through with my younger 2.

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It's building his immune system up to be out and about. In the beginning I would be so upset when I'd meet up with families who had a sick little one and didn't mention it to us and the next day all my kids were sick!


NOW that I've come to realize it wasn't as bad as I had thought...we don't vaccinate and having my kids around other sick kids is for us a natural way of building their immune system instead of being injected. My children and another large family have playdates a couple times a month and we will still get together if any of our kids have a cold. The limit is fevering & no fevers and no "my throat hurts so bad I can't swallow" symptoms. My kids have a stronger immune system because of this!

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I have struggled with this also. Last year seemed like weeks of unending sickness. This year, not so much, and I am enjoying it.


We try to limit exposure before we go on a trip so that we can enjoy the trip. Otherwise, we just carry on and don't take any special precautions (just regular hand washing).

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