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HORSE PEOPLE...got a question!


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Whenever our gelding gets a cut whether it's the kind of cut that needs stitches or not, he seems to swell up. Our mare could cut her leg OFF and she would swell. Anyway, when this happens with him we cold hose him 2-4 times a day and either clean out the would and dress it or clean it and leave it undressed (we usually leave it undressed at night and dress it during the day because of all of the mud). Anyway, our barn owner says to scrap the scab off. I'm not sure if i agree with that. she is a very, very good BO and is very, very knowledgeable and i know she has a reason for taking the scab off but i can't remember what it is right now. Anyway, what do you guys do?

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Proud flesh can occur when wounds are healing and it happens a lot on the legs. I always remove the scabs, scrub a little to help bleed, then add corona to keep moist and help heal, then top with wonder dust (it helps prevent/get rid of proud flesh). Mine don't swell up unless it was a lot of wounds or some trauma to the leg.

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