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Please ease my mind Cystic fibrosis


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My son was born at a free standing birth center and he never recieved the newborn screening for cystic fibrosis. He was pretty healthy child while I was breastfeeding but he did get several colds last year. I have taken him to the doctor for a cold and they say their is nothing they can do he is to young for cough syrup. He has been put on albuetrol for weezing. He constantly sweats especially at night and his clothes will be really damp like they were taken out of the dryer to soon. My husband suggest that we just let him sleep in a diaper but it is to cold. He has the worst pea green thick thick diahera it has the worst smell. He was born at 9.7 ounces and by at 18 months he is only around 22 pounds. He will sleep all day if we let him once he is layed down for a nap from 2-7. He will sleep till 10 everyday if I let him. I sometimes let him and check on him because it is easier to do school with the other kids. He has been so sick since he was a year old that he hasn't even had his 12 months shots because he is always sick. I have only taken him to the doctor twice because they alwasy say he has a cold just let it run its course. He coughs so much he acutally chokes on mucus and will cough mucus up. I have three other children he is my four this is not normally. Should I take him to his ped or to the childrens hospital? We have been keeping him home. My husband has stayed home from church the last three weeks to stay with him on Sunday and Wednesday thinking he would get better but he has not. What should I do?

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Thank you both, I just wish I knew what avenue to take on taking him somewhere. My other children are so healthy. Grayson is constantly sick and he is just not getting better he will have a couple of days where he is coughing as much but he still has the other symptoms. I don't like taking him to the doctor because I am scared he is going to get something worse. The two time I have taken him they said cold and one time they gave us a neublizer to borrow with steriod albuterol.

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Susan please, please get this checked ASAP.

My eldest had Cystic Fibrosis.

The tests are fairly easy and not too invasive.

They will do a quick blood test, which will take a week or so to return and should do a sweat test too, because yes, they are salty. Please insist on the sweat test, it's non-invasive, but needed as not all CF genes have yet been mapped, so not all show up on the DNA blood test.

In Australia all large hospitals, particularly Children's Hospitals have a Cystic Fibrosis clinic. Usually run by Pulmonary Specialists.


On a positive note, your little lad would probably not have lasted this long without treatment, if he had the most common gene type. I do not mean this to be flippant.

If he does have the common genes for it, then you are managing very well.


Treatment options get better each year, as does expected longevity.

If it is CF and they start him on enzyme replacement, he will rapidly start to gain weight and your eyes and nose won't melt each time you change his nappy.


If the tests can cancel the chance of CF, Dr's can look elsewhere for what is going on.

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"Did your child have the really greasy thick mucous stools? He hardly eats anything green and his stools are always green. He will also have coughing fits and want eat much."


Yes and cough till she thew up, and that was full of mucus too.

It all sounds heartbreakingly familiar. I would just get in the car and turn up at a large hospital if your local options are not good.

If so pack for an expected stay.

If this is CF, your lad needs a diagnosis fast.


ETA If you want to PM me I'll give you my email address.

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Did your child have the really greasy thick mucous stools? He hardly eats anything green and his stools are always green. He will also have coughing fits and want eat much. Should I take him back to the ped or to the childrens hospital to the ER and explain his symptoms.




I would go to the pediatrician first. I would outline all of his symptoms emphasizing that this is not a short term thing. If the pediatrician did not listen, I would fire them and find a new one.


Never mind. Coughing now...head to ER.

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I would pack for a few days, just in case, be very blunt and say you NEED a private waiting area as you believe your son may have Cysitic Fibrosis and require reverse Isolation and insist on it.

If you have a Children's Hospital, phone ahead and say you are on your way so they can page the relevant Registra.They won't page til you get there but should be more prepared for your BOMBASTIC attitude. (Which will be wonderful Susan). Don't be put off by them, go anyway if then try to put you off.


Take a good book for you and something to keep him amused. Take a pram to keep him locked in so he doesn't play in the waiting room.

Lots of waiting ahead.

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It's Sunday here, if it's still Saturday there I wouldn't wait until Monday. His oxygen sats could be very low if he's been sick for a while.


Of course here all of our health care is free. This may make a big difference with your choices.

However, if it is CF and he is this sick and undiagnosed, I would not be waiting til Monday.


ETA: If it is CF, they would want to be getting him on IV antibiotics PDQ.

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Thank you both, I just wish I knew what avenue to take on taking him somewhere. My other children are so healthy. Grayson is constantly sick and he is just not getting better he will have a couple of days where he is coughing as much but he still has the other symptoms. I don't like taking him to the doctor because I am scared he is going to get something worse. The two time I have taken him they said cold and one time they gave us a neublizer to borrow with steriod albuterol.


Is there a family history of it? When Nico was going through testing (he had a lung condition, but it wasn't cystic fibrosis) we were told that it only happens when the parents are carriers? Not entirely sure though.

For what it's worth, the testing was very non-invasive.

Go to your ped. He will refer you out (ours referred for a sweat test).

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That's the trouble, really sick for CF, just looks like a bad/mild cold in another kid.

Even WITH a diagnosis, sometimes we would go multiple times to ER attempting to get admitted, at her hospital, and be turned away.

Then turn up, without an appointment, to the next week's clinic and be told she should have been admitted days ago. !!!??


Praying of course for your whole family.

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I don't know anything about CF. In addition to checking out that possibility, I'd be thinking about the possibilities of asthma and/or pneumonia. If you can't get him looked at until Monday, I'd be watching for retractions, especially up around the collar bone area. Any struggling to breathe or grunting would send us to the Children's Hospital ER or urgent care if the ped isn't open.


(FWIW, my 3 y.o. has pneumonia again, right now, and I didn't connect the green stools until I read this thread. At our ped visit the other day, she referred us to National Jewish; dd is following in her asthma brother's footsteps I guess.)

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Should I take him back to the ped or the childrens hospital. Can the peds do the sweat and blood test? He is having coughing fits right now and it just breaks my heart.


Our sweat tests are done at the hospital, not the peds office.

I just read further in the thread; take him in now.


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Ok, I just talk to one of my friends who is a nurse at the local hospital. She told me to go to the ped on Monday if he remains the same and if they want run the test take him to Duke or UNC, and that is what I am going to do. I will keep you all update. Please pray for my sweet Grayson.


UNC has a GREAT cystic fibrosis department. My now 11yo had his CF testing done there, and during his stays as a baby we were on that ward. (He doesn't have it, but he had the same digestive symptoms as CF.)


I hope you get answers soon. I know how it feels to know SOMETHING is wrong, but not be able to figure out what.

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Praying for your little guy! If it turns out not to be CF I suggest looking into allergies. My son was having green stools and sometimes blood tinged stools, he was congested a lot and had a runny nose and he was getting sick quite a lot. It was really freaky. We ending up discovering with an elimination diet that he was allergic to milk, soy and egg. His green stool stopped very quickly after I cut the milk. He also has and was and is failure to thrive. We had him weighed at the specialist and he weighed 14.9lbs at 8 months. Hugs to you!!

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We are all going to stay home from church tomorrow and we are going to go in first thing monday morning to the peds and hopefully they can do the test their or refer us out to get the test done the sameday. If he gets worse we are going to go to UNC right away. I was told by to different nurses unless his oxgen stats are low and he is struggline to breathe they are going to tell me to go to the peds office. Thank you all for your prayers. I am hoping it is a cold, allergies, or something simple.

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I have a friend that has 2 CF children and a couple of friends that had CF scares. This might sound weird but she always said to lick their skin to see if it tastes salty. CF kids will taste salty. (((Hugs))) and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish the ER would help more. :(

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My brother has CF. He has been thru a lung transplant and is married with 2 adopted kids. He had his transplant nearly 12 years ago; it saved his life and allowed him to live one. He will be 56 in April.


We have seen incredible progress in treatment, and they have made so many new discoveries. Not all CF is the same, but doctors have come a long way in understanding it.


I sincerely hope your dear Grayson doesn't have it, but if he does, he'll need you to advocate for him and you will need someone to keep an eye on you, too.

Many hugs, and many prayers for you and him.

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Ok, I just talk to one of my friends who is a nurse at the local hospital. She told me to go to the ped on Monday if he remains the same and if they want run the test take him to Duke or UNC, and that is what I am going to do. I will keep you all update. Please pray for my sweet Grayson.


((hugs)) When I was pregnant with my fourth, it was included with the prenatal testing for ME. If I wasn't a carrier, then my kids could NOT have CF. And, we were at a birth center. Could you call the BC and see if they ran that test on you? It might ease your mind.




I have a friend that has 2 CF children and a couple of friends that had CF scares. This might sound weird but she always said to lick their skin to see if it tastes salty. CF kids will taste salty. (((Hugs))) and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish the ER would help more. :(


When my third had his CF scare, he DID taste salty. But, he didn't have CF. So, if you do lick your son, know that if he's salty, he still may be negative. We had him tested at the allergist/pulmonologist. With poor Grayson's ongoing symptoms, I'm really surprised that they haven't sent him to one. I'm so sorry.

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((hugs)) When I was pregnant with my fourth, it was included with the prenatal testing for ME. If I wasn't a carrier, then my kids could NOT have CF. And, we were at a birth center. Could you call the BC and see if they ran that test on you? It might ease your mind


Again, they can only test for the most common genotypes for Cystic Fibrosis. So If the parent comes back clear, then it greatly reduces your chance of being a carrier (and of your off-spring inheriting the disease) but you may still have a more rare CF gene. Hence the need for the sweat test to make sure.

Unfortunately CF testing has meant many doctors will not consider the possibility of CF as they falsly believe all cases get picked up with the screening proccess.


And as other posters have said Susan, it could look like CF, but not be.

Fingers crossed.

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My sister has CF. She is 33 and has *knock wood* not yet needed any transplants, and leads a normal life. People don't know she has CF unless she tells them.


Keep after the diagnosis, but please be reassured and try to know that CF can often be managed. It is a hard road but so many live long and productive lives with modern medicine. *hugs*

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