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Shooting at an elementary school in CT.


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I know-- so upsetting! I'm at my office in Hartford, at Capitol Region Education Council where we do lots of professional development training for teachers and administrators. My office is right next to a big room where there's always Friday teacher/admin workshops going on-- and today it's packed. The hallway is just now FILLED with teachers and admins trying to call back to their schools in that region, and they're all poking their heads into my office to ask if I've seen any more info on the local news website. It's awful....



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I know-- so upsetting! I'm at my office in Hartford, at Capitol Region Education Council where we do lots of professional development training for teachers and administrators. My office is right next to a big room where there's always Friday teacher/admin workshops going on-- and today it's packed. The hallway is just now FILLED with teachers and admins trying to call back to their schools in that region, and they're all poking their heads into my office to ask if I've seen any more info on the local news website. It's awful....





Wow! Prayers going out to everyone! Can you recommend a good source for news about this?

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This is my hometown.


My brother is at the Middle School, in lock down. My mom called me and barely had any words.


I've heard that both the principle and school psychologist were killed, and the vice principle was shot in the foot...



Oh how awful---- there are just no words. None.

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This is my hometown.


My brother is at the Middle School, in lock down. My mom called me and barely had any words.


I've heard that both the principle and school psychologist were killed, and the vice principle was shot in the foot...


I am so sorry!!!! I am sure he is ok, but how terrifying it must be for all of you.

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This is my hometown.


My brother is at the Middle School, in lock down. My mom called me and barely had any words.


I've heard that both the principle and school psychologist were killed, and the vice principle was shot in the foot...



Oh my gosh. I am SO sorry... My prayers are with everyone.

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This is my hometown.


My brother is at the Middle School, in lock down. My mom called me and barely had any words.


I've heard that both the principle and school psychologist were killed, and the vice principle was shot in the foot...




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This is my hometown.


My brother is at the Middle School, in lock down. My mom called me and barely had any words.


I've heard that both the principle and school psychologist were killed, and the vice principle was shot in the foot...




Praying for you all!!

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My older kids were in school on 9/11. I went and picked them up. I needed them to be with me. When I got there, the foyer was filled with parents hustling their kids home. The school completely understood, and did an excellent, calm job of dismissing children, most of whom did not know what had happened. I do remember a father walking out of the school with his older sons who had found out (probably in computer lab). I heard the father say, "They are gone, just gone", when one of the boys was talking about Windows on the World restaurant where they had recently dined. The boy asked several times, "What do you mean gone?", like it was a dream.


What I am saying is it's not crazy or unusual to want to be with your kids when something horrifying happens.

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Oh God. I want to go and get my babies out of school!!!!


I couldn't take it any longer. I called my kids' school. They said that none of them even had any clue until just recently because a parent called up to the school (yea for not being the only crazy one). The principal is out of the building. They have no plans to tell the children. Especially because they have a fire drill here shortly and don't want to scare them. I agreed, of course. It was nice to hear that they were aware and thinking about it.

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It doesn't say if they resulted in fatalities...just that many shots were fired there. :( I can't imagine.


26 dead as of right now. What the h*** is wrong with people today? What have we (general "we" - society) done to our young people that this is becoming "commonplace"?


It really makes me angry.

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