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I thought this was done, that the suspected kidney stone had passed, or if it was a gall stone issue, it was over.


Whatever it is, it's back.


I'm not pleased. I really don't want to be going through any invasive procedures. I don't want this baby being put at risk.


Not good.

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Thanks everyone.


It's not as bad as it was the other day, thank goodness, and I also have left over pain meds, so I'm just taking them and hanging in. I figure that there's not much else they'd do for me anyways, since yesterday was fine, they'd probably figure that it was yet *another* stone, and that the first one had passed, so wait and see if this pain goes too.


Unless I pop a fever...I was warned to haul butt in if that happened.

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Oh. I hope everything works out. Good thing you don't have to worry about paying for anything. That would add a whole new crappy dimension to your problems.

Believe me, I've had that thought cross my mind, many, many times, to be grateful for our health care system.

Come get in my boat of misery with me. :grouphug: I'm on day three with the migraine. I though it was gone. This morning I was clear until about 11:30.

Ugh, I'm so sorry, Chuckie :grouphug:

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Imp, I'm so sorry you're in pain again -- I was hoping it was over!!! :grouphug:


And Chucki, I've been there with the multi-day migraines and they are so painful and depressing. I'm usually starting to feel a little better by the end of the third day, and am in decent shape on day 4, so I hope you're feeling a lot better tomorrow. For me, the worst thing about migraines is the uncertainty about when they'll go away. All pain should come with an expiration date, so at least you know that by X day and Y time, you'll be OK again. :grouphug:

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B/c these meds don't require me to be under anestetic (sp)


I stop breathing when I'm put under, plus the meds are deemed safe when pregnant.



Why do you stop breathing when you are put under?

I have sleep apnea and I am wondering whether I would stop

breathing too.

What do they do to make you breathe again when you are

put under?

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Why do you stop breathing when you are put under?

I have sleep apnea and I am wondering whether I would stop

breathing too.

What do they do to make you breathe again when you are

put under?



Don't panic! (((Hugs)))


Anesthesia has a depressive effect that is well known to medical professionals. That is why in many/most cases, patients are intubated once anesthesia begins. Machines breathe for you and once the anesthesia lessens, you start breathing your own again.


It's a normal and expected thing.


If you have surgery, talk to the anesthesiologist and she'll explain everything.

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