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Teachers Lounge 12-13-12


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Welcome to the Lounge!


As I was typing the date in the subject line I was tempted to type 12-13-14! :)


Did you miss me yesterday? I was only able to get online in the morning and then for the rest of

the day and night, our ISP connection was down.


Any sickies in your house right now? DD8 has some sort of bug. Didn't want breakfast (and this boy EATS), slept

for an hour late morning, and now has a slight fever.


What's on your agenda today for YOU to get done? Me: my own schooling. Better lesson planning for the kids.


Any dance recitals coming up? Sick boy is supposed to be in a mini-holiday show at ballet class tomorrow but

we'll see how he's feeling in the morning.


Talk to me! :coolgleamA:

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I missed you yesterday. :)

Everyone is healthy right now - that is as far as I can say. We had a bunch-o-sick here last week along with the discovery of a new nut allergy so Healthy Right Now is good enough for me.


Today - we're getting ready for older dd's birthday party this weekend - we're throwing a HUnger Games party. Apparently I have to make a dozen gf, nut-free lemon cupcakes and a chocolate cake before then along with a dozen silver parachutes and find a dozen foam bats, some bales of hay and and some other strange items. Picked DS up at the airport yesterday so I'm just happy to have him here. It is enough.


No dance recitals - we had a cello performance and an audition last week - we're coasting on the fine arts until next year.

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I"m sorry you have a sick one. Dh and both boys are sick with some kind of sinus like virus--I am not good with sick people. I feel stressed and I am perpetually sleep-deprived as it is. It has not been the best day at our house. Right now they are all in my bed watching TV--thank God for small breaks ;)


My agenda was to deal with the sickies and get laundry done--DONE. I'm glad we are on break from school.

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I'm struggling with a sore throat/cold type of thing right now... I refuse to get sick though! I hope your son feels better soon!


My agenda was to complete xmas cards (done!) and to get some laundry done (last load in the washer right now). I've also figured out my Christmas menu so I can start shopping since some of the items are on sale.


We are on break, so thankfully, no school to contend with right now :)

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