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Guest inoubliable

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Today, I showed my ds15 my to-do list and he said, "Geesh, I don't know if I want to be an adult!" We had a conversation about the advantages of being young and having few responsibilities. I definitely forgot about one HUGE advantage of being an adult, however. We can go back home after short visits with toxic relatives if we want to, and there's nothing they can do about it! I'm sorry you were treated unkindly and like a child. That really stinks. Please don't go to jail. However, if you do, I will contribute to the Spring KKinVA fund!

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Today, I showed my ds15 my to-do list and he said, "Geesh, I don't know if I want to be an adult!" We had a conversation about the advantages of being young and having few responsibilities. I definitely forgot about one HUGE advantage of being an adult, however. We can go back home after short visits with toxic relatives if we want to, and there's nothing they can do about it! I'm sorry you were treated unkindly and like a child. That really stinks. Please don't go to jail. However, if you do, I will contribute to the Spring KKinVA fund!

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well, if we don't hear from you by the 23rd, it's because it's the end of the world on the 21st. I don't think anyone will need bail



I've decided to prepare for the 21st by wrapping all my presents so they'll be all taken care of.


OP - do you know anyone with stomach flu? chicken pox? (after all, you'd hate for your mom to get shingles from you. ;p) could you fake laryngitis? (wear your hair down and put in earplugs)

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Oh. My. Goodness. I think I would suddenly be getting sick . . . or make it so there was suddenly car trouble . . . or . . . or . . . or . . . anything to have to (unfortunately) cancel. Pack up the gifts and mail them. Hugs . . . that sounds so rotten!

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Well, you could have my MIL.


She told my husband that he should convince me to abort this baby because I'm such a terrible mother.


I'm laughing, even though it isn't really funny, b/c that's soooo beyond the pale. I have a person in my life like this, and I cna't get rid of them. I helped me tremendously that s/he is so over the top that I can picture myself as :smilielol5: when s/he says something so utterly ridiculous.


Best wishes for a good healthy layer of rhino-skin.

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Well, you could have my MIL.


She told my husband that he should convince me to abort this baby because I'm such a terrible mother.


:grouphug: I didn't know people like this existed in real life. If an author wrote about something like it, I'd think he/she was being absurd.





And also a :grouphug: to KK.


We're avoiding the weirder family elements this year. At least, that's the plan right now -- we might get roped into something stupid in the next couple of weeks.

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