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Where the Brook and River Meet

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Here is a description I wrote about it last yr. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/357965-anne-of-green-gables-study-guide/#entry3721394 (post #17)


FWIW, I would NOT use it as written for a 6th grader. My dd was in 7th grade last yr and she was already functioning close to a high school level. It can definitely be used w/6th graders, but it will need to be modified and some of the books you will probably want to completely eliminate (I did for my dd and I wouldn't even use them for 8th or 9th )


Unless they are really strong students, many of the suggested readings might be beyond a 6th grader. If you look at Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Lancelot and Elaine, etc, (all available free online), you should be able to gauge whether or not to pursue it or wait.



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Thank you, 8Filltheheart. I "evernoted" your suggestions from the other thread.


I agree, SilverMoon, that it would probably be better to wait but next year may be my friend's last year homeschooling. We'd like to do something special with the girls. I hadn't thought of Narnia. Off to check out Cadron Creek's guide. Thanks!

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