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Not sure I want to know...but...do you wake up and make bkfst and lunch for dh?


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I do, but it's not anything to get excited about. I'm usually stumbling around in a stupor (as is DH). I throw something together that he can eat in the car on the way and a little something for snacks. He almost always goes out for lunch with friends as a break from his day.

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Nope. Sometimes he'll ask me to make him a couple sandwiches to take, but I usually do that before I go to bed. If I'm up and he asks for it, I'd do it, but I'm usually not and he leaves 20 minutes after he wakes up. He's usually not hungry then.


But if it was something that I was challenged to do so, I'd probably make quiche, baked oatmeal, and baked French Toast to cook ahead. That way I'd only need to reheat. But that's me. I'm useless at 6AM.

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Yep. I get up in the morning with dh. I fix his breakfast and pack his lunch (and warm up his car if it's cold) while he gets ready for work. He eats his breakfast in the car on the way to work everyday. Of course I wish he'd sit down and eat here, but that's not gonna happen. :p


I am CONSTANTLY trying to come up with new ideas of what to pack dh for breakfast or lunch. Mostly lunch; He doesn't like the standard cold cut or pb&j sandwiches.

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i get up with him each morning @ ~ 5:30 am, so that we can have coffee together, and read our newspapers together and chat. he doesn't eat breakfast, but its good for us to have the connection time. and yes, there are mornings when i would love to sleep an extra hour.




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No. My husband doesn't eat breakfast. I set the Keurig up for him the night before. He either doesn't eat breakfast or he likes to grab a breakfast sandwich on his way into the office. He eats lunch out - either on his own or with other guys/girls from the office.

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I make breakfast for everyone. I make lunch for hubby to bring to work. His lunch is easy. I cook chicken rice, make a sandwich and pack a banana for him.

Saturdays we eat out for lunch after our kids german class. Sunday we eat out if we are outside and I cook if we stay at home.

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I usually fix his lunch the night before from leftovers (if he doesn't do it first). He makes coffee and hits the road without breakfast, but does make a PB&J and take a yogurt and a banana to eat at work.


ETA: My dh gets up around 4:30 am and would never expect me to get up with him.

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Sure. We all eat breakfast together. No big deal. Eggs are easy. Oatmeal is too. Once a week we have french toast/waffles/pancakes. Cold cereal is for days when disaster falls or is looming... We try to limit processed foods.

DH makes breakfast on Saturdays.

Lunch for him is usually leftovers from dinner the night before and I pack it when I'm cleaning up after dinner.

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Yes, I do.


It's one of the most important parts of being a wife.


Well, I do other important things as a wife. I make his life easier in all respects, so he can focus on his work.


Question: Would you do it if he got up in the middle of the night, like mine does? 3:30 a.m. (and if you still have small kids at home, which I don't but you might)?


Mine prefers to go to the gym before eating so not an issue here, but it is easy to say you'd regularly do it if your spouse is on a regular and reasonable schedule. I was curious as to whether yours is, since you seem emphatic about this.

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Yes, I do. :D


Not today, though, today I slept in because I drank too much green tea at the sushi restaurant and was up till 2 am.


But for the most part, yep, I get up, make them breakfast and lunch, send them off and have a few cups of coffee in the peace and quiet. Then the littles wake up.


I wouldn't say it's the most important part at all....I kind of like the sock knitting part more.


yogurt, eggs over, bagel, if I have oatmeal prepped he gets that. But it's also different if he's running late...then it's fast, the yogurt, the bagel. If he's down earlier he has time to eat the oatmeal.

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Sometimes. Most weekends I make a whole bunch of breakfast burritos and freeze them. That way, he has something he can grab and go. He has a fridge and microwave in his office. Some mornings he eats breakfast with us (I do cook a hot breakfast for the kids most mornings). Some mornings he has cereal and a banana or whatever before I have had time to make breakfast. Some mornings I make him a fried egg sandwich for him to eat at work.


I only put his lunch together when we have leftovers (because he forgets and I don't want to waste them). Otherwise, he does it himself.


I don't think it's an important aspect of being a good wife. It just happens to be part of how we've split up household duties in our home. He does most of the dishes and laundry, for the record. I feel like I'm getting off easy with the cooking because I'd rather take a butt-kicking than do all of the dishes every day. ;) [eta: He also works a minimum of 60 hours/week, often more. He doesn't have to drive but his job is extremely high stress. So, I feel very lucky that he is so helpful.]

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Nope and he wouldn't expect me to. He makes his own breakfast as does the 8yr old. An adult (whoever happens to be up with him) makes ds breakfast and I make my own. Dh works away from home and has lunch provided at work each day. If he worked here and was super tired or busy I probably would throw some things together for his lunch to be helpful..

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Not only do I skip that important wifely duty, I don't even get up in the mornings with him. He fixes his own breakfast, and usually either skips lunch or goes out with co-workers. Breakfast and lunch are fend-for-yourself meals in our house. Occasionally on a weekend if one of us is making something like pancakes or French toast, we'll offer to make it for everyone, but for the most part we all grab whatever we want.


Mornings are the only alone time dh gets, other than driving to and from work. It's his only quiet time at home. On the rare occasions when ds or I (or both of us) have to get up early for some reason, dh seems like his routine his thrown off.

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Nope and he wouldn't expect me to. He makes his own breakfast as does the 8yr old. An adult (whoever happens to be up with him) makes ds breakfast and I make my own. Dh works away from home and has lunch provided at work each day. If he worked here and was super tired or busy I probably would throw some things together for his lunch to be helpful..



Just a question (no judgment of ANY kind), but isn't it just as easy for one person to make everyone breakfast as for everyone to make their own? I quoted you, but this is for anyone for whom everyone in the household makes their own breakfast (not the best sentence, I'm not caffeinated enough, sorry).


One reason I cook for everyone is that it leads to less mess to cook one batch of eggs/oatmeal/pancakes/whatever than five batches, and (like I said) I hate cleaning the kitchen any more than necessary. Is it just my lazy aversion to cleaning (and yet I need to have a clean kitchen, I can't stand for it to be messy either, lol) that compels me to cook for the family? I think maybe it is.

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No, my DH makes my breakfast and the school kids' lunches before leaving for work. It's rare that I will. Some of the things he does:


cottage cheese and fruit

yogurt with granola and toast with PB

french toast (with whipped cream and pie filling, it's a little crazy and horrid for you.)

eggs in a variety of ways: scrambled with veggies cut the night before, overeasy, omelets,

cereal and fruit

oatmeal and various grain cereals

cubes of cheese and fruit

breakfast pizza - crescent roll flattened out on a baking sheet, beaten eggs/eggwhites over that, veggies and sprinkles of cheese on that in oven for a bit

pancakes and crepes


DH has diabetes and always does a good protein in the AM. He loves cooking though and if he didn't want to, I'd probably make the same things because I've grown used to it.


One big thing-- he always does prep work the night before. He'll chop veggies, leave out pans or a griddle he might need, premix any dry ingredients, stuff like that.

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I have in the past and would be glad to, now, if needed. But dh is either home for lunch or has one provided on days when he isn't home. And right now it works best for him to mostly be the breakfast cook (we have eggs of some kind every single day) while I workout. It's really just whoever gets to it first, but when morning are going well, it falls to him and he doesn't mind.

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Nope! I don't eat breakfast and he doesn't like the idea of me cooking it just for him. He said that's what his momma did and I'm not his momma. :tongue_smilie: If he wants breakfast (which he doesn't that early) then he makes it himself. He usually eats something mid-morning at work. He doesn't take lunch from home because he works out on his lunch break and grabs something on the way back to work.


ETA: None of us here are big breakfast eaters, so there's no need for someone to cook a big breakfast every morning. Dds usually toast a waffle, grab a hard boiled egg, or eat a yogurt if they're hungry in the morning.

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I am not a happy morning person, so no, I don't do breakfast or lunch. Dh gets up and leaves before the crack of dawn, about the time my insomnia is wearing off and letting me get back to sleep. He doesn't eat breakfast until on his way to work or at work anyway. He just started a new job last week, so I don't know if he'll be packing lunch or not. At his last job he ate there or went out cheaply. Ds doesn't get up until much later and I rarely cook his breakfast either.


I hate cooking, I hate feeling like I spend the day in the kitchen. I truly derive no joy from the task, I do it because people have to eat and no one else wants the job. They understand this. Ds lightens the mood by helping with every dinner, he's a gem. Dh works hard and last night I wasn't feeling well. Heck, did they cook? No. I couldn't even get him to go to the store for me yesterday. Dh is actually a really good cook, but he doesn't like to cook either. If I had to double my other responsibilities and could give up cooking I would. Bleh, rant over I guess.

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Just a question (no judgment of ANY kind), but isn't it just as easy for one person to make everyone breakfast as for everyone to make their own? I quoted you, but this is for anyone for whom everyone in the household makes their own breakfast (not the best sentence, I'm not caffeinated enough, sorry).





Not for us, because we all like different things.We even like our eggs done differently. We also each clean up our own dishes. There are only 3 of us, so that probably figures into it.

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Weeeeell, yes and no.


I make breakfast in the sense that I bake muffins, prep and freeze burritos, or buy the power bars fom the store, but I only cook breakfast once a week. I do help him put his lunch together most days, but not always.


I try to get up with him so we can have a little time to connect before the day begins; it is important in our marriage but does not, IMHO, speak to what kind of wife I am.

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Just a question (no judgment of ANY kind), but isn't it just as easy for one person to make everyone breakfast as for everyone to make their own? I quoted you, but this is for anyone for whom everyone in the household makes their own breakfast (not the best sentence, I'm not caffeinated enough, sorry).


One reason I cook for everyone is that it leads to less mess to cook one batch of eggs/oatmeal/pancakes/whatever than five batches, and (like I said) I hate cleaning the kitchen any more than necessary. Is it just my lazy aversion to cleaning (and yet I need to have a clean kitchen, I can't stand for it to be messy either, lol) that compels me to cook for the family? I think maybe it is.



We all eat at different times. Dh takes his breakfast, I eat pretty much when I get up, ds doesn't eat until about 10. We generally don't do cooked breakfasts anyway. Sometimes I'll do bacon, mostly to get ds out of bed. I usually do a granola bar with nutella or peanut butter and juice. Dh takes something he can eat in the car.


We do always eat dinner together, so that's our family meal.

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I throw together a lunch for dh to take to work on occasion, but just as often he gets his own lunch on his break. And he makes his own breakfast if he wants it. I'm not getting up at the a**crack of dawn to pour the man a bowl of cheerios. If that makes me a sad excuse for a wife, so be it. ;)

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Nope. When my dh works days, he's up at 4:30am and out the door by 5:15. If I woke up that early, well let's just say he would not like me very much ;). When he had a real coffee pot, I would fix it the night before and program it to brew before he woke up. I do fix him leftovers to take for lunch, but he forgets to bring them half the time. Like justamouse said, I think the sock knitting is a more important part of my wifely duties.

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Not for us, because we all like different things.We even like our eggs done differently. We also each clean up our own dishes. There are only 3 of us, so that probably figures into it.
We all eat at different times. Dh takes his breakfast, I eat pretty much when I get up, ds doesn't eat until about 10. We generally don't do cooked breakfasts anyway. Sometimes I'll do bacon, mostly to get ds out of bed. I usually do a granola bar with nutella or peanut butter and juice. Dh takes something he can eat in the car. We do always eat dinner together, so that's our family meal.


Thanks, ladies, I was just curious. :)

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Nope. As a matter of fact, he makes MY tea for me so it's nice and steeped when I get up...which is about 5-6 hours after him.


He usually gets breakfast at the little store by his work, and takes leftovers for lunch, or eats the breakfast leftovers because he gets a HUGE, cheap breakfast. Sometimes he'll get breakfast, eat some leftovers for lunch, AND bring home even more leftovers for the kids and I.


I don't even feed my kids breakfast - they feed themselves. I don't even always feed them lunch - they make sandwiches and eat fruit.

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