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Psoriasis in children


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I took dd 11 aka "Pippi" to the dermatologist this morning for her plantar warts. She's a warty kid. While we were waiting she laid her head in my lap and I noticed a red, scaly patch on the back of her head at her hair line. She has been officially diagnosed with Psoriasis as of this morning. She also has food allergies, reactive airway disease, eczema. She cried all the way to school. I tried to encourage her, but she is so sad. Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions on preventing or treating flair-ups?

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My sister has had psoriasis all of her life. She does best when she eliminates all dairy from her diet (which she is never long term successful with-we love our cheese). Reducing stress also helps. Plus, she swears by swimming in the ocean. She said a saltwater bath at home is not the same and exposure to sunlight helps the flair ups. She had a sun lamp when we were growing up.

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I have had psoriasis all my life also. Thankfully mine has always been pretty mild. The worst years for me were puberty/teens (sucks, I know). Once I got through those, though, it's rarely been much of a problem. Stress will make it worse. Sunlight on the skin helps, as kewb mentioned. Try to avoid cortisone if you can, because it leads to thinning of the skin. I ended up with "stretch marks" on my thighs because of using cortisone as a kid. Right now, I use Clobetasol on my scalp, which is the only problematic area I have. I also try to use gentle/natural shampoos (which you probably already do because of her eczema). Dead sea salts in the bath might help too. Hugs to your dd. It's no fun to have a chronic disease, but it is generally very manageable. I know I had a lot of self-consciousness and embarrassment at first, but once I pushed past that, I could joke about it and not let it bother me.

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