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Teaching reading. Need help with older ones.


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How do you teach reading with older kids ? Not phonics. My 5th grader struggles and isn't fluent. I think she doesn't read much because she isn't fluent and doesn't comprehend much. How do I teach that? Also how do you teach vocabulary in reading? Is there benefits in reading curriculum?

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Reading Rescue 1-2-3 is a good resource to help you pinpoint the problem areas for your student and also offers practical advice. For my readers I've worked on eye tracking and reading comprehension. There are lots of workbooks that offer short reading passages followed by questions to help the child develop comprehension skills. But, as a first step you'd probably want to confirm that comprehension is the issue.


Here are some resources online:


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Have her read books below her frustration level aloud to you and silently every day. These books are identified as high interest /low readability. High Noon and Start to Finish are two companies that sell such books but there are many other sources. The books don't seem baby-ish, they are very age appropriate. The Start to Finish series also has cds available with the texts. (I have no relationship to these companies). Read a bit of a chapter book that is of great interest to her daily. If you watch television, turn on the closed caption function. Hope this helps!

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I am reviewing phonics with my 11 year old son, and it is definitely helpful as he learn to recognize more of the syllable patterns. For fluency, I have been having him read along in a book while he listens to it, either while I read aloud or while listening to an audiobook. The library usually has a good selection of audiobooks on CD, and you can transfer them to a mp3 player if you'd like.

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Have you had her eyes checked by a developmental optometrist? It costs the same as a regular eye appt but includes extra screening. It is possible she knows the phonics necessary but is struggling with fluency because of tracking and/or convergence issues. I would check for those before doing much else.

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