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life of fred intermediate (new books) question....


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It depends on how well your dd understands long division. Fractions gets harder as you go through it and uses some big numbers in the bridges. My oldest went from Jellybeans to Fractions and seems to be doing okay - although it takes him at least 2 tries to pass the bridges. With my middle, I purchased K-M as I think he needs some more practice and I feel no need to rush him. My boys love the story of Fred, in fact my oldest wants to go back and work through K-M because "Fred is fun."

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My kids are now too old for these and I feel so done in! My youngest is 12 and I am not sure if she will ever reach Algebra as I just keep buying the pre-algebra books as they come out. I hope Stan doesn't have anymore coming out soon or we may never get to Algebra. One just doesn't want to miss out on any part of the story!


So ..I guess .. if I were you, I would buy them ... just in case .. and to be sure you didn't miss any part of Fred's life.

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