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Desks/Tables Similar to IKEA? IKEA shipping for cheaper?

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We just moved and were lucky enough to find a house with an extra room to use as a homeschool room. I am so over-joyed since we had been using the kitchen table which was OK but also a pain in the butt as I'm sure many of you know.


I found this set up: http://thepioneerwom...m-table-review/


I want it. I want it bad. It would be the absolute PERFECT set up. I was looking for something we could all sit at yet would still give each child a "dedicated" place. I needed some storage and I wanted to be able to sit comfortably at it as well and be able to go back and forth between the kids.


Closest IKEA to me is 300 miles away so I happily added everything to my online shopping cart thinking shipping would be expensive but not awful. Uh, yeah, it's awful. $299! And the whole system itself was $338 so shipping is almost the cost of the actual product. I am so so bummed. Dh suggested actually driving to the 300 miles away IKEA but that's just absurd. After you add up the cost in gas for his truck plus stops and what-not it'd probably end up costing us close to $300 anyways.


Are there other systems that are similar but not IKEA?


We start school up again on Monday....the kids have had 4 weeks "off" during the move and I'm so disappointed that right now we'll still be stuck at the kitchen table, surrounded by boxes, and with zilch for storage at the moment. I'm stressing out :(

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Interesting new twist: I just found a company in the area who's entire business model is taking local orders and then making a trip to IKEA twice a month and picking up the items for apparently much cheaper than the ridiculous $299 IKEA shipping fee. I'm not sure on the exact price yet since it depends on what you're getting...which I guess makes sense because the more space it takes up in their vehicle(s) the less space they have for other orders but I'm going to call them today and get a quote.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone! At first I was going to try the hollow door idea listed above but then the lady who runs the IKEA shopping service got back to me and it's only $60 for the 2 tables & 6 legs! I know that's still a lot but $60 is actually the price I had in my head for how much I thought the online IKEA shipping would be.


For some reason with the stress of moving & all the related stressful things that go along with it this table thing was REALLY upsetting me. I think I was just focusing my general frustrations on this one object.

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