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Is there a planner like this?

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My oldest has a difficult time getting through his day. We talked some more and figured out what he needs. It seems so obvious now :glare:


Is there a planner which has the daily schedule with hours listed down the left sheet and the Daily assignments with those listed down the right sheet or vise versa?


It seems like planners are either one or the other or they have two separate sections. It may sound dumb, but he will not shift back and forth between sections.


If not, I will make him something. I just don't have a printer currently because ALL THE NON-BREATHING THINGS are rapidly dying around me. It would be so nice if I could just order it.

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Rainbow resource had a lot of planners last time I looked. They were good about posting previews so you could see in them. Also if you have a teacher supply store, they carry planners, usually with some decent variety.


Donnayoung.org is the best place to find printable ones, and she has good inspiration if you want to tweak and make your own.

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You could look at day-time/dayrunner - they have a few formats - I know they have a one page per day, with the hours down the middle - you can use one side for daily/hourly scheduling and the other side for assignments - also they have a two page per day format that would give you more room.

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  • 1 month later...

An idea...

You may want more flexibility but this has been helpful here with a younger child (and her mother ;) )



Love this! It looks perfect for my DS10 and DS11! DS4 will be starting K in mid-fall of this year, and while the older two can do much of their work independently, they will need something like this to keep them on task, since I won't be able to devote as much time to staying on them about getting started with their next subject/task/assignment. They are prone to be professional dawdlers at times. :rolleyes:

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