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DH's job interviewing in 40 min ( 1 p.m. cst) via skype!


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There have been more than a few interviews in the past year. And I hate to mention it because i hate it when we have to say, "Nope, not this time, again."


But it wouldn't hurt to get a few extra prayers, good thoughts, energy sent our way.


It would be a mostly telecommuting position. He'd have to do 1 to 3 months of on site training.


It's contract work (of course).


Now I gotta get the kiddos and dogs out of the house for a while.

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WOW, You guys are good prayers, good thought thinkers, and good vibration senders!


The interview hasn't even started..........


DH just walked in the door from his realtor gig AND


He got a job offer from his financial planner contract gig he's been working too. Yes, he's been working two jobs.


It's for a FT position starting Jan 1st. :hurray:


He's still going to do this other interview today because it'd be a stronger offer and in his former technical field.


If they make an offer that's the one he'd choose because it's almost double in salary and more stable.


What a great problem to have.


You guys are fantastic! Thanks. :001_tt1:

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The interview went well. They'd already checked a few of his references.


He's being recommended for the 2nd round of interviewing for the position.


It'd be the better job if he gets offered.


But he has the offer that starts in January. :)




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