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CELEBRATE! DD is now weaned from her neurological meds!!!!


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That's great! We weaned my 11 year old twins off their neuro meds about 2 years ago. It was scary at first but I'm glad we did. They were both on meds for close to 8 years. I'm praying all goes well for your DD.




Thanks so much and for sharing. Bless your heart, they were toddlers on meds?

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My 18 year old just went off her sleep disorder medicine. She started getting lip blisters for it and she found out that it contains gluten so she decided she wanted to try life without it.


So far so good. I hope she never needs medication again.

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Faith, Ali, Lizzie and Amy, Thanks so much!


Ali, I do so completely understand and my heart sends a hug your way.


While we've made this progress, there are still other hurdles to jump over. My dh and I formally requested an eeg which will be this coming Tuesday. The dr. did not see the need to order one. Our insurance will cover it and we want to see how well she does "off" of meds. We're expecting this eeg to be normal as the others have been for the last 3 years, but the other ones were normal on meds. We'll have to see how she does completely off of meds. Her nurse said that the first 6 months is critical - that will be May/June when my dd turns 14. Then the nurse said the 2nd six months is critical, but not as much. She said that she's known a case where a girl was weaned and 2 years later she seized. So, there will always be a "chance" that they could return. Based on her age and "type" the doctors are confident she's outgrown them. But, we'll always have to take precautions: no swimming alone, no skydiving (that's good with me), probably no scuba diving (good with me again), according to her nurse. There may be other things too.


I've realized that God is there to help us through it, so if she seizes again, I'll be able to handle it better.


Thanks again everyone!!!!!! :)

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