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Does this ever happen to you in math class?

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Yes, only I'm the kid!


Ds is reducing fractions and doing percents (6th grade) and he does them in his head and can't or won't write anything down, and I'm stuck writing furiously on the whiteboard while he stares at me much like the teacher in the video. That's ok, I'll fix his wagon in geometry, lol. Arithmetic? Well, not so much...

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This is comedy but I relate to the math teacher sooooo much. How do you keep your cool when they just don't get it and you want to bash your own head in with a cast iron skillet? :banghead:



Well, sometimes you fail.

Some of my college students remind me an awful lot of the student in the video.

One-on-one definitely works better. And multiple approaches. And manipulatives. And breaks. And chocolate. And amaretto. And the occasional tantrum. Although I haven't threatened defenestration to my son in a year or so, so there's progress :)


And then you try again!

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Yes, only I'm the kid!


Ds is reducing fractions and doing percents (6th grade) and he does them in his head and can't or won't write anything down, and I'm stuck writing furiously on the whiteboard while he stares at me much like the teacher in the video. That's ok, I'll fix his wagon in geometry, lol. Arithmetic? Well, not so much...



This is me only it's gotten worse as the math levels have gotten higher. Ds16 is in trig/preCalc now and he's totally passed me up. i've always learned alongside him but I officially give up because we looked like that video only ds was the teacher and I was the student!

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This is me only it's gotten worse as the math levels have gotten higher. Ds16 is in trig/preCalc now and he's totally passed me up. i've always learned alongside him but I officially give up because we looked like that video only ds was the teacher and I was the student!


I hear ya, Sister. My kid was showing me a problem he'd solved and it really felt like Blah Blah Blah Ginger. And I was so far out of my depth I started finding it weirdly hilarious. So every time the kid said "modulo," I found it funnier. By the end, I was randomly shouting MODULO!! during pauses in his explanation. Fortunately, he finds me amusing.

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Oh, I'm SO glad to hear that you guys had this happen with your 7 and 8 year olds. My youngest is 7 right now and this IS our life. Especially the part where the child miscounts the fingers (counts only 4 fingers on one hand.)


I've been soooo worried. But, maybe it'll get better, since the rest of you have BTDT with your 7 year olds.

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I thought that was hilarious. Dh didn't think it was very funny at all. I guess you just have to have some experience teaching to really see how funny it was.


Yes. Also, my father was a teacher and he never though Dilbert was funny. My brother and mom worked at Boeing and I worked in the Air Force and we all though Dilbert was hilarious. Teaching has its own issues, but they are different than your normal workplace issues. I'm sure my dad would think this video was funny.

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Ohmygooness, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.


I don't have the patience of that math teacher, though. I would have long since thrown the math book on the floor and run screaming to my room, where I'd hunt for chocolate, then come here to search for a new math program. ;)

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Ohmygooness, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.


I don't have the patience of that math teacher, though. I would have long since thrown the math book on the floor and run screaming to my room, where I'd hunt for chocolate, then come here to search for a new math program. ;)

I can certainly relate to that. :leaving:

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5:


Ohmygooness, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.


I don't have the patience of that math teacher, though. I would have long since thrown the math book on the floor and run screaming to my room, where I'd hunt for chocolate, then come here to search for a new math program. ;)



Precisely. And instead of looking clueless, my kids would have been crying and throwing a fit about how "stupid" they were.

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