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DS11 likes rocks. Has always liked rocks. Still picks up random rocks to bring home. DH wants to get him some type of rock kit for Christmas. Ideally, this kit would have some rocks in it, along with activities they can do together. I am also getting him a copy of Roadside Geology of NM to help ID the rocks in our backyard.


Any links or ideas are welcome! Thanks!


We have the Washington School collection -- I like that the samples are reasonably large for a rock collection. I shopped around and think the best price (when I was buying) was Delta Science. No activities though. Delta Science also has a Nutshell kit with rocks, minerals & activities.


We have also ordered from here:



BTW, I love the Roadside Geology series.


You might also want to see if there is a mineral show near you or a mineral museum that sells rocks/minerals. Usually, the specimens that you buy are much bigger than in the kits, more details, more exciting in general. My dc have kits, but they ask for 'real' specimens for birthdays. lol.

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