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Though my kids are struggling in writing.They can write stories,instructions,reports and creative writing.I have to decide anyone off these books for writing curriculum:


http://www.amazon.co.uk/Launch-Into-Literacy-Students-Oxford/dp/019915550X Grade 3


http://www.amazon.co.uk/Launch-Into-Literacy-Students-Oxford/dp/0199155518/ref=pd_sim_b_1 Grade 4


Kindly browse its inside content ....



http://www.learners.com.sg/productdetail_search.aspx?id=313&search=composition Grade 3


http://www.learners.com.sg/productdetail_search.aspx?id=314&search=composition Grade 4


Please have a look into its Table of contents and Sample pages...


After looking into these books,guide me for which series I should go for Writing component?


Though I love Evan Moor Writing products but issues of their past subscribers resist me to sign up for Teacher filebox.


Hope anyone will chime in and guide me.....


Thanks for your time and efforts..


Do you have to choose from these, or are you open to other suggestions?


If you are open, I think you will get many responses to help you choose a writing program (or a supplement).


What are your goals with writing? How do you teach best and how do your kids work best? This is a bit of an aside, but I always find it a little odd when people come and say which is best without giving any information about themselves. In any case, I don't personally think workbooks for writing are best, but they might be best for your family.


Also, you don't have to subscribe to Teacher File Box to get the Evan-Moor products. Your sentence was a little vague, so I'm not sure I understand the issue. You can also just order their books without any subscription.


Have you looked at Evan Moor's Daily 6 trait writing? We are currently using this and my daughter enjoys the workbook. The lessons break down the 6 traits with short daily activities which lead up to a writing prompt on Friday. You cav view sample pagea on Timberdoodle. :

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