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Singapore Math- New Primary or Standards

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Guest honeydew008

I'm not sure if this topic has been covered. I'm new here. I searched the forum, but couldn't really find an answer to my question. I am in the United States (TX). I am confused as to which Singapore Math approach I should use. I have second graders. I don't know if I should use the New Primary Maths or the Primary Mathematics Standards Edition. I'm also not sure if the New Primary Maths is based on the metric or standard system since I will be teaching the twins measurement and capacity. I also want the approach that would better prepare them for the ITBS test, which they have to take this year. If anyone has any knowledge on this topic, I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks a lot!


Standards has a home instructor guide, and it's easy to get. Most here use Standards or the US edition. Some people use Math in Focus without the expensive teacher guides.


They're all good programs and are very similar. You shouldn't have any problem bring prepared for itbs with any of them, I would think.


I'm not sure if this topic has been covered. I'm new here. I searched the forum, but couldn't really find an answer to my question. I am in the United States (TX). I am confused as to which Singapore Math approach I should use. I have second graders. I don't know if I should use the New Primary Maths or the Primary Mathematics Standards Edition. I'm also not sure if the New Primary Maths is based on the metric or standard system since I will be teaching the twins measurement and capacity. I also want the approach that would better prepare them for the ITBS test, which they have to take this year. If anyone has any knowledge on this topic, I would appreciate the feedback. Thanks a lot!



Can you clarify the question? When you say "New Primary Maths" what do you mean?



Guest honeydew008

Can you clarify the question? When you say "New Primary Maths" what do you mean?




When I was looking for Singapore Math programs, I came across the program called New Primary Maths. It looked a lot like the Standards edition, but had more colorful pictures and animals (from what I can tell). I can't really tell the difference between them. I think the New Primary Maths comes from the UK.

Guest honeydew008

Standards has a home instructor guide, and it's easy to get. Most here use Standards or the US edition. Some people use Math in Focus without the expensive teacher guides.


They're all good programs and are very similar. You shouldn't have any problem bring prepared for itbs with any of them, I would think.


Excellent! Thanks a lot for your help! I'll probably just use the Standards edition. I've heard great things about the program.


Can you clarify the question? When you say "New Primary Maths" what do you mean?




One of the post-2001 syllabus programs. It's available through sgbox.com. I know there's at least one WTMer who uses it after accidentally buying a lot off of eBay and finding her student preferred the cartoon animals to the cartoon kids.


One of the post-2001 syllabus programs. It's available through sgbox.com. I know there's at least one WTMer who uses it after accidentally buying a lot off of eBay and finding her student preferred the cartoon animals to the cartoon kids.


I know that there is a program from the Shinglee publishing house called "New Syllabus Primarty Mathematics," I just wasn't sure if this is what the OP was referring to (or not).


As you know, but is confusing to many, since the "Primary Mathematics" (which most of us mean when we say "Singapore Math") was discontinued as the Singapore national curriculm there have been multiple private publishers (PM was developed by the Singapore Ministry of Education) that have written math programs that meet the "new syllabus" math standards.


Singlee's New Syllabus Primary Mathematics is one, My Pals Are Here! is another.


Math in Focus is an adaptation of My Pals are Here!


It gets confusing for people. Then there are the Frank Schaffer "Singapore" book sold in many book chains. Then there is Primary Mathematics US vs Standards Edition (and even some using 3rd Edition).


Bill (who uses PM Standards Edition as his core)


Excellent! Thanks a lot for your help! I'll probably just use the Standards edition. I've heard great things about the program.


I think it is a safe bet. Some who like a somewhat more incremental approach like Math in Focus, or even Math Mammoth (not from Singapore, but a similar whole-parts math program).


Do consider the Intensive Practice books from the Primary Mathematics US Edition especially with math adept students as it considerably raises the challenge of the work.



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