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Which Lial's for 11th grade college bound student?

Guest nuttyprofezzor

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Guest nuttyprofezzor


After reading reviews at this site. I THINK Lial's will be best for ds. Here is the background. He is a good math student, but I am rusty. We are currently using BJU Algebra 2, but the explanations aren't always sufficent. I was checking out TT, but after reading reviews here and checking the samples online... I want something more substantial as college bound Pre-Calc is next year.


Soooo, we need:

-a text/program where he can teach himself (as I can do alg 1, but some alg 2 topics are a bit hard for me)

-an appropriate level to swich to/ enhance curriculum (at least equal or better than BJU's Algebra 2)

-a college prepartory curriculum (ds college plan: computer programming)


What text do we need to achieve these goals? What supplementary books (solution manuals, DVDs etc) do we need?

Thanks so much,


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You want Lial's Intermediate Algebra. It is equivalent to Algebra II. We also got the instructor solution manual and the test book. But you could get away with just getting the student solution manual (which only has odd problems) as the text has tests at the end of each chapter included. I liked having the test book because I wanted my son to use the tests in the text for practice before the real tests.

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