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Another perimenopause question

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I am 45. I feel like I am so done with this AF business. Anyways, I have my annual appt with my GYN on Thursday. Nothing has really changed since my last visit. I still spot 1-3 days prior to my cycle(this has been going on for 3 years now). Last month was the FIRST month in 3 years I didn't spot. I was like YAHOO, maybe that part is done. Nope. No such luck. This month I spotted again for 3 days as usual :bored: . My cycle is anywhere from 26-29 days with the average being 27 days. This motnh it came on day 28.

Here is my question. I know that cycles are normally only 7 days long. Or the "norm" should be no longer then 7 days.

When he asks how long my cycle lasts, I am not quite sure how to answer this.

Usually mine lasts between 6-7 days. With actual bleeding time (needing a pad) until about day 5. Then 6 and 7 it is scant, and only when I wipe(sorry for TMI). I don't even need a pantiliner.

This month, I am on day 9 and I still have scant spotting. Like when I go to the bathroom, I wipe and I see a tiny bit of brown discharge. Yesterday, on day 8 I wiped twice and it was pink. But I didn't need a pad.

So does this mean I had a 9 day "cycle".?

This has happened only 2 times before.

FTR, I had a endo biopsy, ultrasounds, pap smears, thyroid, etc all checked and all was normal.

If I am spotting on days 6/7 and going into days 8 and 9, could I have a fibroid?

The only day I am heavy is on day 2. I change a pad during the day about every 2-3 hours, and will soak an overnight pad. That has not changed in 3 years either. Day 3 is medium, day 4 is very light and day 5 very light to spotting.


So, when he asks me. Do I tell him I had a 9 day cycle? Or do I say "I bleed for about 5 days, and spot normally into day 7, but this month I spotted into day 9?


What could cause the spotting in the extra 2 days? Should this be a concern?

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My cycles follow pretty much the same pattern as yours. I don't count the days spotting, either before or after, as actual bleeding. I do think it's probably a good idea to give your doctor as much detailed information as possible though. The more information he has the easier it will be for him to be able to help you.


:grouphug: It feels very hard work this perimenopause business, doesn't it?

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