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Help me with this bet with dh.


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Dh and I have a bet.


Have you heard of Zork? What do you think it is? Does the word "grue" mean anything to you?


Thank you for your assistance. :D


Zork was a text adventure game "back in the day" I know I played some on my Commoder 64.

Grue sounds like a monster.


I bought Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy with my own money and HATED that game. I could never figure out how to get the babel fish in my ear and that really stumped me at the beginning. And I had no idea about cheats or who to go to to ask for help at that point. So the gmae was a big bomb for me.

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Dana, you win for Best Sentence in a Post today!



You had to put a bag in a place to block a drain and manage to get the dispensing machine to shoot the fish out, but a robot would scoop the fish up for disposal before you could get it. It was one of the most frustrating bits! (as evidenced by me complaining about I decades later...)


Automapping and graphics based adventure games seemed like cheats when they first started coming out.

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