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Wheat free/gluten free folks please help w/ cookbook reccomendation

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We discovered yesterday that dd8 is definitely sensitive to wheat. We had removed it from her diet for about a week and let her have some yesterday on Thanksgiving. The main symptoms were behavioral and the change was unmistakable.


The problem is that we are in the habit of letting dd spend the night with her grandmother(my mom) once a week. Grandmother saw her behavior yesterday and is in total agreement with the diagnosis, that is not the issue. The issue is that she expresses her love by making sure everyone around her is well-fed and is unfamiliar with wheat-free/gluten-free cooking. This is complicated by the fact that she does not have any sort of internet access device or an internet service provider(let's not get into the discussion of why right now). My question is if you were unable to access online recipes and other resources which one or two recipe books would be most valuable to you?

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eat like a dinosaur I borrowed this from a friend - it has kid friendly GF and some DF recipes.


My daughter bought a copy of cooking for isaiah, but I don't like it as well as my son is a picky eater. I think these recipes would appeal more to an adult. or at least a more adventerous eater.

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There's a Gluten-Free for Dummies book that is really good. It will help her understand the basics and help her make substitutions in her recipes. I beleive it also addresses cross-contamination, which is something she needs to know about (like don't put GF bread in the toaster you use for regular).

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Are you familiar to gluten-free baking?

I have been gluten-free for over five years now. There are good cookbooks available, but many of them call for specialty ingredients and alternative flours which may overwhelm many grandmas. It might be better to go with a gift basket of gluten-free mixes, to introduce grandma to gluten-free baking. I am an avid baker and have dealt with my son's food allergies for ten years now, but still found gluten-free baking to be so different - learning how the dough feels, how the alternative flours rise, etc. I found it easier to ease into gluten-free baking via mixes before attempting cookbooks.

I would check out King Arthur flour, as they now have a line of gluten-free baking mixes. Their website now has many gluten-free recipes, so I am hopeful they will come out with a g/f cookbook soon.

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There's a Gluten-Free for Dummies book that is really good. It will help her understand the basics and help her make substitutions in her recipes. I beleive it also addresses cross-contamination, which is something she needs to know about (like don't put GF bread in the toaster you use for regular).


Excellent point about the cross-contamination.

Going off my own experience here... Both grandmas were totally overwhelmed at the thought of my son's food allergies. Cross-contamination pushed them over the edge. Most people do not think about things like using the same butter dish for regular bread vs. gluten-free bread.

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Fortunately Grandma is familiar with the general concept of cooking for those with food allergies/sensitivites. Both she and I have our lists of things that we can't have. I imagine she will find the cross-contamination issue easier to deal with than I will. I am checking this thread every so often as I clean wheat containing items out of the kitchen.


I may, however, need to have dh read information about cross-contamination. Thanks for that reminder. If he does not want to be careful I can always threaten to leave very, very hyper child in his care until it wears off.

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