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what items are going into your kid's stockings this year??

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DH: Lemon Lara Bar, Plane Launch Gadget Toy, Mixed Nuts, Survival Can Opener, Fire Starter, iTunes Gift Card, Amazon Gift Card, Eyeglass Repair Kit, Emergency Tent, & Clothesline Rope.


DS: Plane Launch Gadget Toy, Silly Bandz, Coconut Cream Pie Lara Bar, Marbles, Pop Gun, Binoculars, Marshmallow Catapult, Large Flashlight with handle (this will take up ALOT of the space which is nice because he's not into all the gadget things right now).


DD7.5: Silly Bandz, Cherry Pie Lara Bar, Hairbrush, American Girl Samantha Book, Sculpey Clay, Several Hair Pretties, Marshmallow Catapult, DVD, & Music CD.


DD9: Silly Bandz, Cherry Pie Lara Bar, Hairbrush, Stuffed Chimpanzee, Sculpey Clay, Fake Rats, Halloween Hair Spray Color, Marshmallow Catapult, & DVD's.

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I recently picked up a flint and steel and p-38 can opener (great deal - 5 for less than $3 with free shipping, so all the boys are getting one) thanks to another gift thread buried somewhere around here.


My son is also getting an old fashioned pop gun, a mini box of fruit loops, a fridge crawler, a box of nails, Ranger Rick magazine, and a Playmobil figure.


Thanks for the can opener link!!!!! :thumbup1:


Wacky Packs are always a big hit here plus they remind me of my youth. ;)

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Yes, if you download iTunes to your laptop...you can use the iTunes card to put money in the account you'll set up. Then you buy songs with the money. You can play the music on your laptop, I did this before I got an iPhone.


Wii Music is fun and it's 4 player. Also Wii Sports Resort has nice games, also up to 4 players.

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This candy/propeller plane/light-up fan gizmo that you can buy at the drugstore. Someone gave him a used one they found when we were shopping one day, and it's been a huge hit. I figure we can spend $4 on a new one (with actual candy included) as a stocking stuffer.

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I hope this all fits:



slippers (they'll fold up pretty small)

nail clippers

hair brush

hair detangling comb

hair bands

lip balm

duck tape (they love the fun prints--I have no idea what they'll do with it, but they'll love it)


trident gum

hair pick for their new American girl dolls

measuring spoons (I now get them one good quality kitchen tool per year. This is year two--last year was a spatula and wooden spoon)

Lucky Charms cereal

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what is the "plane launch gadget toy" and where did you buy it....as well as the marshmallow catapult....my 2 guys would probably like both of these...



The plane launch toys I found at Walgreens in October in the clearance area. I snagged them for $0.49 each! I also got the kids kites for $0.79 each but those are for Easter baskets! :)


The marshmallow catapult is something I'm making using things in the house! Here is the inspiration....the only difference is I'm taping a plastic spoon to the end instead of a bottle cap as I heard several say the cap isn't as good as a spoon. http://pinterest.com/pin/3377768441167468/

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I have an embarrassing question...what is an itunes card? will it work for a laptop? or an mp3 player? we don't have ipods or ipads, and I am from the Stone Ages (blush blush) thanks for your help! pie


If it makes you feel better, I don't know either. It is a gift card for itunes, so if you have an itunes account...but that is the end of my knowledge.


another embarrassing question...what games besides mario are popular for wii or for a DS? i have a 13, an 11, and a 7 year old (all girls) to buy for this year...thank you :) pie


Both kids, one boy, one girl both love pokemon Also the lego harry potter seems to be popular with both. Go to best buy or game stop and ask, the people who work in that section tend to be big kids themselves. My son thinks I am just the most cleaver mom ever after talking with them (and look at the pre owned, they are a good deal and still backed by best buy.

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I'm lost. What are you referring to when you say "Wacky Pack"? All I can come up with is the kids meal at Sonic LOL


They are trading cards/stickers made by Topps that are parodies of pop culture brands. Some are a little iffy but most of them are funny, like Ditz crackers instead of Ritz

Kids in my school (in the 70's) decorated their book covers with them.

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Every year they get a box of four Moonstruck truffles and a fancy candy cane, and that's as far as I've got. Thinking about adding a piece of coal, just for the novelty of it.


Coal is sounding better and better these days.


I don't have any specific ideas for the stockings. Basically whichever of the gifts will fit in there, and a little candy.

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Beef jerky, sudoku and word search books, new pens and markers, decent lip balms, a big fat Hershey Kiss takes up a lot of room. Warm fuzzy bootie socks, too.


Oh - I just read the above posts and I like the idea of getting some of that themed duct tape!!! I also get cheap ($5 or less) dvds. I made the mistake of makign the kids HUGE stockings when they were wee tots - now they are teens and young adults and those stockings are hard to FILL.

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mini bottle of Martinelli's sparkling cider -- they love this stuff

can cheese -- again, love this stuff but rarely get it

beef jerky

favorite candy - of the chocolate variety

duck tape


axe products

baseball cards

wrestling cards

small flashlight



Adults (dh, mine, mom, dad)




small flashlight

nail clippers

nail files


And any other little fun thing I find. I love doing stockings. :thumbup:

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Can't wait to come back when I can read through all of these. Last year we let the kids do each others stockings and that worked really well. This year, I know my son wants a new ruler and bigger pair of scissors and I'll "influence" dd to get those for him. I'm thinking I'm going to steer my ds to the Jungle Junction toys for dd's stocking. Normally inexpensive things ($1 bin at Target), a toy or two, and some candy.

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All four of the kids will get:


a good quality jump rope

a toob

a Professor Noggin game (I'll probably sub this out for Dd2 since she is too little to play)

an Irish penny whistle

SmartMass putty


an ornament



Dd9 will also get a prism. Dd2 will get a tin kaleidoscope. One son will get a small fidget toy. I have to find something for the other one yet.

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Thanks. 10 feet is still quite a bit longer than what I have now :)


We have some 10 ft ones that are colored, really fun! I have blue and DH has red. We got them from Saveology (a group type of thing like groupon or whatever). I have a link somewhere if you'd like it. They were more than the ones 5LittleMonkeys posted, though, but free shipping, so probably around the same.

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They are trading cards/stickers made by Topps that are parodies of pop culture brands. Some are a little iffy but most of them are funny, like Ditz crackers instead of Ritz

Kids in my school (in the 70's) decorated their book covers with them.



I remember those. I didn't know they were called Wacky Packs LOL I always liked reading them, though.


We have some 10 ft ones that are colored, really fun! I have blue and DH has red. We got them from Saveology (a group type of thing like groupon or whatever). I have a link somewhere if you'd like it. They were more than the ones 5LittleMonkeys posted, though, but free shipping, so probably around the same.



Yes, please. That would be even better! Then no one can say "Is that my cord? I think that's my cord!!"

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thank you Ghee and Northwest_Mama! I will go see what Best Buy and Gamestop have. Pre-owned sounds good. I went to Target yesterday and looked at the $1 bins and they have some little flashlights shaped like animals that make noise (a cow that moos, etc) that are tiny and cute and some cute holiday bubble bath in the shape of christmas tree light bulbs. I thought those 2 things were good for boy or girl. There was also Hello Kitty stuff in the dollar bin and a Lalaloopsie coloring book my 7 year old niece will like. Dollar Tree had candy in the shape of coal, and gold chocolate coins, as well as a funny little ornament shaped like a pickle haha.



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My kids can get up anytime in the morning and get their stockings first so I try and put things in that will keep them entertained for awhile plus I wrap every little thing. It's not so necessary now that they're teens but it sure made the mornings easier when they were little.


This year I'm including magazines for everyone--One Direction collector's edition for my daughter, guitar and drum magazines for the boys. In the past I usually found some kind of teenie bop magazine for her and Foxtrot type books for the boys.

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pie, if you have an mp3 player, you will need to convert the iTunes songs into mp3 format (they're mp4) before dragging and dropping onto your mp3 device. If you don't know, try adding them after you buy them. If they don't show up, it's probably because they need to be converted. There's a drop-down menu in iTunes that will allow you to do that.


I appreciate reading all these ideas! I always find myself stuck 2 days before Christmas, trying to think of good stuffers.

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I was 'researching' this last night, and this is what I came up with for my DS5 & DD8....we are cutting back on big gifts- only 2-3 each- BUT travelling at Christmas, so the only thing they have to open Christmas day is stockings, so I picked more significant things- not spendy individually, although it adds up....


Westminster Balancing Bird http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003BDKGPW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&smid=A8TM65ACT1KUO

The Famous Drinking Bird http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000JSGLBK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&smid=A1FWGZVO4P6W9Y

Nano Bugs (Maybe w Habitat?) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003IT5NHK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Slide Whistle http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003B0YEZ8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Poopin Pets Reindeer & Penquin http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042TQ5HM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_6?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Wind Up Robot Noggin Bops http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003BIF634/ref=ox_sc_act_title_8?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Joke Book for Kids http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0800788036/ref=ox_sc_act_title_9?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

Mini Shuttle Pens http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005JFTZ7A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&smid=ALGLIHG094BOI

Silly Putty

Bubble bath or Bath bombs


Plus: (we are staying in a hotel at Christmas, so giving food gifts)

Can of Olives

Small Boxes of junk cereal

Dark Chocolate

Nutella w/ Crackers

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We (read, "my husband") tend to go overboard on stockings but have made a pledge to keep things reasonable this year.


Thus far, I think the plan is for each kid (14-year-old boy and 17-year-old girl) to get:


- an iTunes gift card.

- a Barnes & Noble gift card.

- earbuds.

- a pair of silly socks (traditional).

- candy, gum and other edible treats.


If that isn't enough to fill the stockings, we may add some make-up to my daughter's stocking and some duct tape to my son's.

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Really good chocolate. Lip balm. Wooly Willy and giant pencils (Michael's for $1 each). Blood orange on the toe.

Jewelry from Claires for DD. Hotwheels for DS. Notepads. Socks.



DH gets lip balm, soap, hot pepper jelly (habenero peach!), socks. Not sure what else, if anything...

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They are trading cards/stickers made by Topps that are parodies of pop culture brands. Some are a little iffy but most of them are funny, like Ditz crackers instead of Ritz

Kids in my school (in the 70's) decorated their book covers with them.



I can't believe those are still made. We LOVED those as kids and decorated our bedroom doors with them (my parents were very understanding). I might have to find some for my brother and sister.

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Th older two ds are getting


2 Lego mini figures

Mighty beanz

Nanoblock animals

Favorite candy

Character band aids



Wii game

Homemade Chocolate dipped Oreos

Homemade Chocolate dipped pretzel sticks with sprinkles

homemade chocolate dipped marshmallows speared with candy cane sticks

Homemade Hot chocolate mix



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My baby ds is getting a cute little hat that looks like a yeti! Some cute socks, a couple of Indestructible books, a stroller book and a couple of homemade treats..


For my DH-- an I tunes card, teas, coffee, chocolate, his own homemade treats so he doesn't eat the ones for the kids. I also want to find him a cool keychain.


my boys and DH usually get me a lot of chocolate...and they will pick out a couple of things from bath and body works this year just because they are dying to go shopping for me and I cant stand to get stuff I don't really need or want just to fill up the stocking. My DH will hopefully convince them to get me some antibacterial lotion and shampoo bars so I don't end up with lotions that I won't ever getting around to using.

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Has anyone tried Thinking Putty? I've always wondered about it, but the reviews are so mixed!


We did it last year, and the boys loved it but we're careles with it. Your kids are a bit older, so it'd probably be all right.


I've removed it from canvas bins, carpet, quilts, and hair over the past eleven months and finally tossed it. My DH still has his magnetic putty, though, and he's really enjoyed it (and is responsible, lol)!

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