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Have any of your DC published on Amazon?

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DD finished her NaNoWriMo story, and is very excited (and wants it to be a real book). I printed and comb-bound for her that she's illustrating for Grandma/Grandpa for Christmas, but she wants to share it more. It's probably pretty "turning 8 yr old" writing. It has some cute and funny moments, but definitely isn't a great work of literature :), but is a pretty big deal for a child who, a year ago, would regularly burst into tears if an assignment asked her to write a sentence.


I looked on Amazon's site, and it looks like it's free to publish an E-book for Kindle, and that since she's done her story in Word, it would be mostly a matter of changing the formatting a bit and adding her drawings. I seriously doubt anyone would download it, even as a free download, other than family and friends, but I think she'd get a real kick out of seeing it on Amazon.com, and I'm also thinking that might be a good incentive to edit and revise it "for publication".


Has anyone had their DC do this? Is it a good idea? Bad idea?

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