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Reading A-Z


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Does anyone use this site? My dd used these little books a lot in ps. This is our first yr hs-ing. I'd love to let her continue with these books, plus it helps to track her progress since I know what level she left ps at.

Problem is it is expensive to join.

Any ideas or advice?

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Get a co-op (class) going. I did that one year - a whole bunch of HS joined up under one class and we split the cost and ended up paying something like $14 each for the year.


I love that site - it was the only one that worked for teaching my kids to read. They have lesson plans to go with every book and they are really good. My DD could not blend until we started using their phonics readers and lesson plans to go with it.


Even if you pay the expensive cost it is so worth it.

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I think when you are thinking of dropping a lot of dollars on something like this, it is worth taking a good long look and a trial.


Unfortunately reading a-z is marketed to teachers not hs-ers, and priced that way . still they did have a 14 day trial last time I looked and it allows you to download A LOT, especially if you are very diligent about downloading the daily max every day. You wind up with a lot of materials that will last quite a long time, as long as you are diligent in downloading the daily max and not missing a day. Then, you can make up your mind safely.


While the reading is not high quality, it is leveled super precisely, so that you can get exactly the right level. I really liked that.

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Have you looked at other options yet, or just trying to go with what you know. There are online workbook style programs, online fully animated programs, printable books and supplemental online resources if you are interested in looking beyond A-Z. I did not use the A-Z program due to cost. I did download lots of the books during a free trial once, but can't say that I ended up using them.


We like Studydog (a little) and Starfall.com. I like the printables from Sparklebox. But I'm not good at following a set program in general. I'm more likely to go looking for the book I need the day I need it. Don Potter's Phonics page offers a lot of free and subscription options with a little information about both if you want to shop around.

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