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Update on my dh.

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He had his gallbladder removed on Tuesday. The surgeon said it was bad for sure. He first went to the GP August 22, so almost 3 months later and we FINALLY have an answer. I have an irrational rage going on toward the GP. He was so cocky and REFUSED to listen to dh and in fact wouldn't even let me in the exam room.


He said stupid things like, "are u trying to diagnose yourself? Are you the doctor?"


In contrast when we finally got to the gastro doc he immediately ordered a Hida scan....while saying he didn't really think it was the gallbladder either.


Anyway dh recovering and I think he will be back to work by Dec 1.

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I would also like to comment on the fact that once you start with a bad GP, especially when you are sick that.it is very difficult to break free....you keep telling yourself to just be patient and let him do his job.


We will NEVER go back to him. Buthow do we find a new GP?

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We finally got in to see the specialist oct 22. They did a scope, a gastric emptying study, and a Hida scan and another big round of blood work. So it still took another month to get all those tests done and results back. Not to mention the cost of each of those tests....thousands.

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I hope this is the beginning of healing for your DH! I still have anger toward the doctor who misdiagnosed my mom's cancer as reflux. I don't think your feelings are irrational at all.



My mother was "diagnosed" with depression when it was actually cancer. I have no tolerance for doctors who don't listen to their patients.

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My mother was "diagnosed" with depression when it was actually cancer. I have no tolerance for doctors who don't listen to their patients.


I'm glad he will get better.

I can entirely sympathize with the anger about the doctors and costs and lack of results.



When we got in to see the specialist, an elderly doc in his 70s..... He LISTENED. He listened to dh, to me AND he asked ME questions. He pulled his chair right up to dh with their knees almost touching and he looked intently into dhs eyes as he talked to him. When he left the room dh and I almost burst into tears from the relief of feeling like someone finally could help us.

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When we got in to see the specialist, an elderly doc in his 70s..... He LISTENED. He listened to dh, to me AND he asked ME questions. He pulled his chair right up to dh with their knees almost touching and he looked intently into dhs eyes as he talked to him. When he left the room dh and I almost burst into tears from the relief of feeling like someone finally could help us.



A family member has a doctor that really seems to listen. He's young, about 45, maybe not as experienced as someone in his 60’s, but my mom was saying that he is so responsive to questions and comments. It really does make all the difference.


I thought that medical schools were requiring courses in patient communication.


Glad to hear that your DH is doing well.

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When we got in to see the specialist, an elderly doc in his 70s..... He LISTENED. He listened to dh, to me AND he asked ME questions. He pulled his chair right up to dh with their knees almost touching and he looked intently into dhs eyes as he talked to him. When he left the room dh and I almost burst into tears from the relief of feeling like someone finally could help us.



I totally get this! We've had our own dealings with doctors who were simply not really engaging with us - not LISTSTENING to what I/we were saying. Past annoying! It makes such a difference to see a doctor who actually takes a few minutes to HEAR and process what he is hearing!


I'm glad you finally were heard and your DH was treated correctly!!!!

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I hope this is the beginning of healing for your DH! I still have anger toward the doctor who misdiagnosed my mom's cancer as reflux. I don't think your feelings are irrational at all.

My mother was "diagnosed" with depression when it was actually cancer. I have no tolerance for doctors who don't listen to their patients.


That is horrifying. Women's illness is so often dismissed and misdiagnosed like this. It's sad to see that men, like Scarlett's dh, are also getting such awful treatment, too.


Scarlett, I'm glad you did finally get the answers and the attention your dh needed. :grouphug:

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I am relieved that the problem was finally diagnosed properly and sorry that his doctor was a jerk. It is just awful that your husband had to suffer needlessly that long. Certainly your anger is righteous and rational.


My husband had a similarly jerky orthopaedic surgeon (referral from a GP) who was insistent upon an invasive surgery to treat a genetic defect that worsened. Finally my husband did do his own research and learned of less invasive European procedure to deal with the problem. When he notified the original surgeon that he was going to Dr. ______ for the Euro style treatment, original doctor dissed Dr. _____. We later learned that people from all over the U.S. fly here to be treated by Dr. _____.

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I totally get this! We've had our own dealings with doctors who were simply not really engaging with us - not LISTSTENING to what I/we were saying. Past annoying! It makes such a difference to see a doctor who actually takes a few minutes to HEAR and process what he is hearing!


I'm glad you finally were heard and your DH was treated correctly!!!!




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That is really frustrating. Glad he's on the road to recovery. I am blessed to have found a doctor in my area who is amazingly attentive and listens to all concerns. I feel like he really cares if I feel better and doesn't make me feel like an idiot. I think he is exceptional. They may not be all over, but doctors who care are out there. It helps to read reviews on sites like HealthGrades to find a good doc.

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There is something about older doctors vs. younger doctors.


My father is a surgeon. He has always said, "You know, if you listen to the patient long enough, they will tell you what is wrong with them!"


This vs. the cocky 30 year old who removed my dad's kidney cancerous tumor on one side and wouldn't listen to a surgeon tell him that the other kidney did NOT have a tumor but a cyst. He kept arguing with my dad. My dad finally told him, "Look, the Xrays look like a cyst to me and not a tumor. Go in, drain it, and if it turns out to be a tumor, you can do surgery."


It was a cyst.




I am so glad you finally got help.




When we got in to see the specialist, an elderly doc in his 70s..... He LISTENED. He listened to dh, to me AND he asked ME questions. He pulled his chair right up to dh with their knees almost touching and he looked intently into dhs eyes as he talked to him. When he left the room dh and I almost burst into tears from the relief of feeling like someone finally could help us.


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You know, I don't understand the problem with diagnosing gall bladder issues. Everyone and his brother has to have their gall bladder out these days. How on earth are doctors not seeing this? Scarlett, your story is only one of several I've heard recently that sounds exactly the same. For pete's sake, it's such a fairly simple thing to test/scan for, and it's so common!!! I really shake my head every time I hear this. I would be pretty angry too. I'm sorry your DH had to go through all of that, but I'm glad that's he's on his way to full recovery finally.

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That is so frustrating. The same thing happened to me and it took years before my gall bladder finally got so bad that it was almost obvious. They still had to do the hida scan. They took out my gall bladder the next day and the sugeon said it was in such poor condition that it was pretty much shredded.


I hope your husband makes a quick recovery and is feeling much better soon.

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He had his gallbladder removed on Tuesday. The surgeon said it was bad for sure. He first went to the GP August 22, so almost 3 months later and we FINALLY have an answer. I have an irrational rage going on toward the GP. He was so cocky and REFUSED to listen to dh and in fact wouldn't even let me in the exam room.


He said stupid things like, "are u trying to diagnose yourself? Are you the doctor?"


In contrast when we finally got to the gastro doc he immediately ordered a Hida scan....while saying he didn't really think it was the gallbladder either.


Anyway dh recovering and I think he will be back to work by Dec 1.



Those are fighting words to me. I'm immediately in some doc's face when he starts that crap (and I'm tall!).


I'm sorry this happened to your husband and I detest arrogant doctors.


I'd send a photocopy of the hospital and/or doctor diagnosis to Mr. Arrogance with a well-worded letter implying malpractice, but that's me.

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You know, I don't understand the problem with diagnosing gall bladder issues. Everyone and his brother has to have their gall bladder out these days. How on earth are doctors not seeing this? Scarlett, your story is only one of several I've heard recently that sounds exactly the same. For pete's sake, it's such a fairly simple thing to test/scan for, and it's so common!!! I really shake my head every time I hear this. I would be pretty angry too. I'm sorry your DH had to go through all of that, but I'm glad that's he's on his way to full recovery finally.



I agree. I mentioned my DH's right upper quadrant pain to the first ER doc and was brushed off. I asked specifically to have it ruled out the second visit two days later and was assured that couldn't be his gallbladder. Finally on the third ER visit we got a doc who would listen after I refused to let them treat DH for chest pain with routine cardiac intervention, he'd just had all the nuclesr heart studies that morning as follow-up from the first two visits and was presenting the same way. He was admitted that night for emergent surgery the next day because they were worried about peritonitis from intermittent complete blockage.


I am sorry your DH had to wait so long for a diagnosis and treatment and hope he will recover quickly.

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Thanks everyone. I have been reading all of your posts the last few days--amazed by how many stories there are of bad gallbladders that doctors are missing. Weird. As for the incompetent GP, dh finally did get in his face and tell him, "I am here because I am sick and I need YOU to figure out what is wrong with me" . That was the day he finally gave dh a referral to a gastroenterologist. 3 days after seeing the gastro dh was getting a Hida scan done.

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When we got in to see the specialist, an elderly doc in his 70s..... He LISTENED. He listened to dh, to me AND he asked ME questions. He pulled his chair right up to dh with their knees almost touching and he looked intently into dhs eyes as he talked to him. When he left the room dh and I almost burst into tears from the relief of feeling like someone finally could help us.



That is really frustrating. Glad he's on the road to recovery. I am blessed to have found a doctor in my area who is amazingly attentive and listens to all concerns. I feel like he really cares if I feel better and doesn't make me feel like an idiot. I think he is exceptional. They may not be all over, but doctors who care are out there. It helps to read reviews on sites like HealthGrades to find a good doc.


I am always so stunned how we lucked out to get a doctor who really listens on the first try. I can't tell you how many times he's looked at me when our babies were sick and said "Okay mom, what do you think? I'm just a doctor. You're the expert on this kid." Since this is our family doc, his attitude is much the same for all of us.

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