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What would you get girls who love to do movies, plays, dance, etc?

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So my girls, 8 & 7 love to do plays, movies, dance and all. I am trying to think more out of the box this year for Christmas. I am totally avoiding toys. They have an ipad (well, my ipad), and they like to do some movies with that. But it is not the best set up for them.


I am trying to think of something where they videotape maybe on a tripod, and then can download it, edit it, etc. My 8 y/o is going to be 9 soon, and she is my child who gets bored easy in school (working on that). She needs to constantly be challenged. I thought this might be a way.


My other dd doesn't ask for much at all. She is being assessed soon to see if she has a mild CAPD. She loves, loves, loves to dance. I am trying to figure out what to get for her along the same lines. Maybe some cool light machine or something.


We are setting up a theater room for the girls in our basement.


Any ideas? Thanks.

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