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Those of you who do not medicate your dc...

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Have you figured out what's causing it? If it's flu/cold/general malaise, I'd also try something like colloidal silver or Oil of Oregano (careful with this one, it's rather nasty but effective.)


I don't think it's anything of "real" concern. He's just been complaining about being tired today and real lazy. No coughing (he does have asthma but it's not acting up...fingers crossed!), sneezing, throwing up, or anything.


I think I will let it run it's course for awhile and then try the bath thing. If that doesn't work, what is the colloidal silver?



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There's some kind of infection going on or your little guy wouldn't have a fever. My doctor actually told me that once the fever is going, it means the immune system is fighting whatever it is that is bothering the child, so giving a small dose of a fever reducer, like Tylenol, so the child can sleep will not thwart the body's immune response. The average dose will only drop the fever by 2 or 3 degrees, enough to provide a bit of comfort. I know you don't want to medicate, and I don't want to offend you, so just disregard my post if you disagree.


Naturally you will want your child to be drinking fluids frequently, preferably chilled water. Don't bundle him up, but if he's cold enough to be shivering then naturally that is very uncomfortable for him, and may inadvertently cause the fever to increase.


I hope your little guy starts feeling better soon! :(

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Something wrong with the reply button. Hope you get this in the right place.

Colloidal silver can be topically applied or given orally. It's a natural supplement and usually available in health food stores.

Follow their directions or bottle directions.


It's known to help with viral infections.


Also agreeing with other posts. My ped told me as well not to do anything unless fever goes beyond F 102.5. Every kid is different. Some spike to F 103 every time they are fighting off something.

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