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New Job Problems

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Sometimes, things just go from bad to worse.


Wolf's new job is miserable.


First off, the owner is a racist. He refers to ppl of First Nations heritage as 'wagon burners' amongst other delightful terms :glare:


Then, Wolf was hired to run an enclosed machine. Instead, on Friday, he spent 12 hrs, in -20C on a glorified snowblower, getting soaking wet and freezing. The only person that was on a machine that Wolf was supposedly hired to run was the owner's SIL.


Also found out that 19 hr days are expected. As well as 7 days a wk. If you protest or refuse, buh bye. Yeah, that's legal. NOT!


He's got another job interview this am.

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There is so much of this going on in the job market these days. It is just outrageous. I hope he finds a fabulous, permanent job quickly and can tell this guy to _________________________.:grouphug:


I've had this conversation with my dd who has been in some stressful positions. if you're leaving a miserable situation for something better, you can afford to be gracious and just say "so long, I got a better offer." (with more money and better working conditions . . . ) You can put the appropriate expression on your face that says something like "______", but you don't need say it aloud.

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Dh's previous job lasted less than a week. It was a stop gap job anyway, but he was supposed to be running a press, pressing a button no lifting. He had a mild heart attack a few months earlier and really didn't need to lift anything.


Anyway they had him on a different machine lifting 50+ lb metal over his head all day. When he asked about the change in position they basically fired him. He lasted all of about 3 -4 days. Thankfully his current job came along shortly afterward, but that's all I needed, him to have another heart attack at work.


I hope Wolf gets out of there soon.

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