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Please assist....I'm at a lost for an online store to buy girls knee length skirt?

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no I haven't tried etsy....any place in particular you suggest?


I've tried land's end and only came up with one 'uniform' style skirt:confused:


I'm getting sooo frustrated with finding dresses/skirts that fit to the knee!!! I wish I had time to learn to sew but I've got 4 that are 6 and under....no time:tongue_smilie:


Hoping some others have searched for the same fit and have more suggestions:bigear:

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Are there any online clothing stores for girls that sells modest, knee length dress and skirts. Something not too dressy???


My 16 year old daughter makes her own, and sews for others as well, if you're interested. We could email you some pictures if you'd like. PM me for info.

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