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So, if AAS is too time intensive what about Apples and Pears?


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I like AAS in theory but it just takes a lot of time it feels. My son is not a natural speller (he's 8) and I am really not seeing a lot of improvement (outside of spelling words). I use AAS 2 and was going to move to 3 next semester (I already have it) but I was reading about Apples and Pears and I am wondering if that might be a better fit for us.


We also use Simply Charlotte Mason's Spelling Wisdom (basically studied dictation) -- we both love that.


Thoughts? I am just getting burned out on AAS.


Edited by SFM
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I like AAS in theory but it just takes a lot of time it feels. My son is not a natural speller (he's 8) and I am really not seeing a lot of improvement (outside of spelling words). I use AAS 2 and was going to move to 3 next semester (I already have it) but I was reading about Apples and Pears and I am wondering if that might be a better fit for us.


We also use Simply Charlotte Mason's Spelling Wisdom (basically studied dictation) -- we both love that.


Thoughts? I am just getting burned out on AAS.


A and P is teacher intensive. You don't have to deal with the tiles, though. It is more writing than AAS. I am using AAS with my seven year old and have used A and P with my 2 older. The 7 yo will switch next year when he is writing better.


I would love to have a less intensive program but, with non-natural spellers, I don't think there is any way around it.

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Thanks for your input, I don't mind teacher intensive, it just feels very SLOW and I don't like the tiles and they are wearing on my son. He doesn't seem to retain the spelling rules. He honestly likes writing the sentences above all else with AAS.


Thanks for letting me know your thoughts, I appreciate it.

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Thanks for your input, I don't mind teacher intensive, it just feels very SLOW and I don't like the tiles and they are wearing on my son. He doesn't seem to retain the spelling rules. He honestly likes writing the sentences above all else with AAS.


Thanks for letting me know your thoughts, I appreciate it.

There is a lot of variety in A&P. I like the way it comes at the words over and over again in different ways.


As an encouragement--my kid's spelling gets better as they get older. I still believe in working on it (and a&P worked well for us) but around fourth grade spelling just clicked and became easier for both my olders. (One was an early reader and one was a late reader so amount of reading couldn't have been the reason.) I do think, for some kids, there is an element of maturity that helps.

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There is a lot of variety in A&P. I like the way it comes at the words over and over again in different ways.


As an encouragement--my kid's spelling gets better as they get older. I still believe in working on it (and a&P worked well for us) but around fourth grade spelling just clicked and became easier for both my olders. (One was an early reader and one was a late reader so amount of reading couldn't have been the reason.) I do think, for some kids, there is an element of maturity that helps.


Thank you, I have heard that before, it is very encouraging. I might give A&P and shot, thanks again.

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A&P is teacher intensive, as there is no independent work. You read from the TM as the child writes in the workbook. It involves plenty of dictation.


It does sound, from your subsequent post, that it might be a good fit. You can place where your son tests into, as opposed to AAS, where you basically have to go from the beginning. A&P is usually good for those kids for whom rules don't help them spell. It's an excellent program. When I used it, I split the lesson into two days, and we used a workbook cover and a dry erase marker. That made the writing amount a bit easier. (we switched away from it because my child does fine with a more independent spelling program... I'd still be using A&P if the current program didn't work for him).

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