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I guess I've learned my lesson the hard way


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So, when Super Storm Sandy hit DH and I put a 4X4 wooden post and the huge bat box in my outdoor box turtle enclosure so they wouldn't come down or become weapons if the wind got too bad. I asked him after the storm to remove the posts and put them back outside of the enclosure so that I could put the turtle back out on nice days. He's been using this outdoor enclosure for two years now without a single problem. I've always brought him in to his 6ft. indoor enclosure when it's cold and let him out in the 25 ft. pen when it's nice.


Yesterday was GORGEOUS so I asked DS13 to take the turtle out to his pen. It wasn't supposed to freeze last night so I chose to leave him out overnight just like I've done HUNDREDS of times before. Today when I went out to feed him, he was gone. DH never removed the blasted posts, which allowed him to easily step up and over the top of the enclosure.


I'm so angry. Actually, I'm furious, but I guess I've learned the hard way that when you want something done you either do it yourself or you make for darn sure that the person you've asked has actually DONE what you asked them to do. :mad:

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I lost one earlier this year, too. She had been in our family for more than 20 years. It was different circumstances, but same cause - I didn't realize I had to babysit an adult or do everything myself :glare:.


People don't realize what good escape artists turtles are. I'm so sorry you lost your pet!

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I lost one earlier this year, too. She had been in our family for more than 20 years. It was different circumstances, but same cause - I didn't realize I had to babysit an adult or do everything myself :glare:.


People don't realize what good escape artists turtles are. I'm so sorry you lost your pet!


Oh, eternalknot, I'm so sorry for your loss, too. How heartbreaking to lose your girl after having her more than 20 yrs. They ARE good escape artists, aren't they!?!? They are such good climbers.

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Is there a chance that he just buried himself under some leaves or soft dirt during the night? You said it didn't freeze, but was it cold? Mine didn't do too much if it was cold. We kept ours outdoors all winter( Texas) and they'd bury themselves at the first cold spell.

I'm sorry for the loss. Turtles make wonderful pets, don't they.


It's possible, but I don't think so. We spent an hour raking the leaves out of the pen and checking for burrows. I'll check again in the morning when he's most active just to be sure, but I'm not very confident. He's usually pretty predictable in his burrow choices though.

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My mother had a wild box turtle that would come to her back door to be fed regularly. You could try watching to see if your turtle returns to where he is used to being fed. Maybe put the posts outside the enclosure on the side he got out so he can climb back in the same way he got out but not get back out again.

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My mother had a wild box turtle that would come to her back door to be fed regularly. You could try watching to see if your turtle returns to where he is used to being fed. Maybe put the posts outside the enclosure on the side he got out so he can climb back in the same way he got out but not get back out again.


Aww how cool! I actually did do this very thing so I'm hoping maybe he'll come back on his own.

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This is why I don't have chickens anymore. Ds that was in charge of them when I'm out of town just wouldn't take the care to make sure they were closed up at night. I came home to 17 missing chickens and found bodies all over the farm. He said he felt bad about it, but I guess not bad enough to pay attention? I was beyond furious.

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That really stinks. I am sorry. :sad: have you tried to look for him? Put out posters? I can't imagine he went very far.


Poor turtle. I've always wanted a turtle.


We did spend a lot of time looking for him. The problem is that he is the exact same color as the fall leaves that are on the ground right now. There is a huge chance that he is literally right in the woods behind our house or under the shed, but he is so incredibly camouflaged at this time of the year that it's near impossible to find him, even if he's moving. I haven't put out posters though.

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This is why I don't have chickens anymore. Ds that was in charge of them when I'm out of town just wouldn't take the care to make sure they were closed up at night. I came home to 17 missing chickens and found bodies all over the farm. He said he felt bad about it, but I guess not bad enough to pay attention? I was beyond furious.


Oh no. How awful. :grouphug:

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We did spend a lot of time looking for him. The problem is that he is the exact same color as the fall leaves that are on the ground right now. There is a huge chance that he is literally right in the woods behind our house or under the shed, but he is so incredibly camouflaged at this time of the year that it's near impossible to find him, even if he's moving. I haven't put out posters though.


:sad: i'm really sorry.

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