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Uh oh Texas!

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I wonder how this would work if they secede?


Would Texans who are visiting other states need to go home or risk being here illegally? Would the Dallas Cowboys relocate or would they be the first foreign NFL team? Would they need passports to go play other teams? How quickly would the US evacuate the military bases in Texas? What would happen to Texans currently serving in the US military? Is Oklahoma ready to be a border state? :tongue_smilie:


Is it weird my mind goes to the really mundane stuff first?

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I wonder how this would work if they secede?


Would Texans who are visiting other states need to go home or risk being here illegally? Would the Dallas Cowboys relocate or would they be the first foreign NFL team? Would they need passports to go play other teams? How quickly would the US evacuate the military bases in Texas? What would happen to Texans currently serving in the US military? Is Oklahoma ready to be a border state? :tongue_smilie:


Is it weird my mind goes to the really mundane stuff first?


Well, no husband of mine will be serving in the Texas army, that is for dang sure!!!! (Err...my dh is from Texas and I am from Oklahoma, just to clarify). Not having to deal with the EPA would make evacuating those bases much easier.

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Do you have to be from Texas to sign it? Maybe these are people who want Texas out. ;)


Oh I will sign that then!!





FWIW I am from Oklahoma.



I don't make Texas jokes out of anti-cowboy/redneck/hick/funny accents or anything like that. It is a rivalry between the two states.

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Well, no husband of mine will be serving in the Texas army, that is for dang sure!!!! (Err...my dh is from Texas and I am from Oklahoma, just to clarify). Not having to deal with the EPA would make evacuating those bases much easier.


Oh I will sign that then!!





FWIW I am from Oklahoma.


:D I am from Oklahoma too, but I live in Texas. We should just get out together.

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Only 22 thousand for pot legalization? I was sure the population of Austin was higher than that.



*Exactly* what I was thinking. The university itself could meet the petition's requirements.


When does the Chronicle come out?

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Only 22 thousand for pot legalization? I was sure the population of Austin was higher than that.


Well, there's lots of folks down there intending to vote for this, but just haven't got up the energy to log on and vote yet...

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The thing about Texas is if you ask us if we should be our own country, the prideful Texan response has to be "yes". It's the whole flying our flag even with the US flag mentally.


We sorta see being part of the USA as doing the other 49 states a favor. I mean, where would you guys be without us? We're like half the land mass of the country! :tongue_smilie:

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If Texas becomes its own country, do I lose my US passport? Do I get deported to the state I haven't lived in since I was a toddler? Where I no longer speak the language or know the local customs and where I know no one? Does the Dream Act apply to me? What's my legal path to US citizenship? Can I apply here or do I have to pay a fine, fly back to Texas and wait to apply for legal entry?

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I've seen two UFOs. Both in my late teens. It might've had something to do with that last petition, though.




If Texas becomes it's own country will we need to put up a fence around it? Also, if there is no polenta then what will Texans-of-Italian-Heritage eat with pork chops and rosemary? Will LBJ's remains be sent back to the US? Since it'd be a different contry would that mean a different rule-enforcing body would give all the Tour de France victories back to Lance Armstrong? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE ALAMO?!?!?!

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The thing about Texas is if you ask us if we should be our own country, the prideful Texan response has to be "yes". It's the whole flying our flag even with the US flag mentally.


We sorta see being part of the USA as doing the other 49 states a favor. I mean, where would you guys be without us? We're like half the land mass of the country! :tongue_smilie:


Yup. Lily is memorizing the countries in N America. The first day I asked her if she knew any of the countries, her first response without hesitation was, "Texas!" When I pointed out TX is only a state, she looked incredulous and asked, "Are you sure???"

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If Texas becomes it's own country will we need to put up a fence around it? Also, if there is no polenta then what will Texans-of-Italian-Heritage eat with pork chops and rosemary? Will LBJ's remains be sent back to the US? Since it'd be a different contry would that mean a different rule-enforcing body would give all the Tour de France victories back to Lance Armstrong? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE ALAMO?!?!?!


It's too much to wrap my head around. I've got plans for a book, though.


I've got a hypothetical list of things I'll need to smuggle in if we can't make it out before the fence is put up.

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Well, there's lots of folks down there intending to vote for this, but just haven't got up the energy to log on and vote yet...


Perhaps they could be enticed if there were a free pizza delivery with each vote. :D


Yup. Lily is memorizing the countries in N America. The first day I asked her if she knew any of the countries, her first response without hesitation was, "Texas!" When I pointed out TX is only a state, she looked incredulous and asked, "Are you sure???"



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Yup. Lily is memorizing the countries in N America. The first day I asked her if she knew any of the countries, her first response without hesitation was, "Texas!" When I pointed out TX is only a state, she looked incredulous and asked, "Are you sure???"

The first time I drove through the checkpoint between New Mexico* and Texas, I got rattled and when the border guard asked me my nationality, I said "Texan." He laughed at me. :glare:


Since it'd be a different contry would that mean a different rule-enforcing body would give all the Tour de France victories back to Lance Armstrong?


Yes, and then Lance would be made God-King of Austin. Oh wait....







*Yes, New Mexico. There's a checkpoint.

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The first time I drove through the checkpoint between New Mexico* and Texas, I got rattled and when the border guard asked me my nationality, I said "Texan." He laughed at me. :glare:



When my family drove through there (caravan style, a bunch of us) my sister tried to pay them, she thought it was a toll booth. :lol:

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If Texas becomes its own country, do I lose my US passport? Do I get deported to the state I haven't lived in since I was a toddler? Where I no longer speak the language or know the local customs and where I know no one? Does the Dream Act apply to me? What's my legal path to US citizenship? Can I apply here or do I have to pay a fine, fly back to Texas and wait to apply for legal entry?


If you don't run on back over here and claim your legal Texan status, (and I can't imagine why you wouldn't) then we don't want you back anyway! So there! :D

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Doesn't look like it. I see people saying they are from South Carolina, West Virginia, Connecticut, Indiana, Florida, Maryland, and Louisiana have signed it.

Mrs. Basil- those states have their own petitions for secession.


If Texas secedes then the Bama/A&M game doesn't count?? I'll sign.


Oh, it counts. It counts big! We Won. You lost. Bwahahahaha!

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