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Common Core Revisions to popular homeschool curricula?

Lang Syne Boardie

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I wish homeschool curricula could stay separate from CCS but unfortunately many writers and publishers will change content to meet CCS.

I have a strong abhorrence for CCS. My husband has often told me to stop reading about it and relax since our kids don't go to PS. He is probably right but for some reason I can't stop myself. It is like watching a train wreck I guess.

Just look at many of the products currently marketed to homeschool families. If they say anything about state standards, which many of them do, than that will probably change to CCS soon.

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MCT's updated versions (Caesar's English, the new Grammar Voyage) address the common core, and have added little boxes in the TMs showing how a lesson addresses common core, but they say they haven't actually changed anything - they say they already went beyond what is required in CC, they are just making it explicit now (in case we were wondering;))


Seriouslly, I think it's a big issue for curricula that are used by homeschoolers and by schools, whether private, public or charter. If a curriculum is to be adopted for use in a school, it has to demonstrate its alignment with CC standards, and this can mean big $$ for the creator of the curriculum. Homeschoolers are still what, 1-2% of the educational market? So going for the big turkey of classroom adoption makes financial sense to many curriculum creators, I'm sure.

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