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VT update. Please help!

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So here I go taking ds to the eye doctor (found on covd) just to rule out any vision problems to go along with his dysgraphia and dyslexia. Turns out he has something called saccadic dysfunction. I don't understand what the doc said and my head was spinning. I have to bring ds back in a few weeks for a full eval and then a week later we get the results. The doc seemed pretty confident that vt was in order and gave me the impression this was not a mild disorder. Can anyone offer clarity?

Edited by southernm
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I can't really help. I know saccade exercises were always a part of our vision therapy. I know my 2nd child had "multiple issues" but the "convergence insufficiency" was used as the main condition, as it tends to have better insurance coverage. I'm willing to bet saccades (just by looking at the definition from a google search) were a part of his issue, though. I'd get the full evaluation, and when you get the full results discuss exactly what it is then.

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But I found this definition:


Saccades Dysfunction - a condition in which the individual's ability to scan along a printed page and move his eyes from point to point is inadequate. Symptoms include frequent loss of place while reading, skip or transpose words, and have difficulty comprehending because of an inaccurate eye movement. Vision therapy is an effective treatment option. (See "Ocular Motor Dysfunction")


My daughter has this and other things like problems focusing near to far and also with visual sequencing memory. Anyway, we also just started VT about six weeks ago. My dd is also dyslexic/dysgraphic and has hearing loss, but we figured out VT might be good for her because she kept losing her place or skipping lines while reading. We figure anything we can do to make life a bit easier is good :)


Hope this helps.


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Sounds like it's good that you got his eyes checked! I'm not really good with all the terms, but yes that's one of the things they check. Did they hook him up to a visagraph? (computer with infrared goggles to track eye movement) It's not like you're talking cancer or something that is degenerative or going to make his eyeballs fall out. It's just a problem, something that obviously affects school work, and something VT can help with. I think our OT also checked for it, because it's actually something that can be affected by both the OT and VT side of things. You can ask your VT doc if he screened your ds for whether he should have an OT eval as well. You may have seen him to it in fact.


But really, beyond that, just run of the mill, nothing to stress about. I assume he's saying it's enough of an issue that you should treat it and not just let it go. He's not saying something dreadful or disastrous is about to happen with his eye health. He'll be fine. It's the kind of thing VT is great for. :)

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Sounds like it's good that you got his eyes checked! I'm not really good with all the terms, but yes that's one of the things they check. Did they hook him up to a visagraph? (computer with infrared goggles to track eye movement) It's not like you're talking cancer or something that is degenerative or going to make his eyeballs fall out. It's just a problem, something that obviously affects school work, and something VT can help with. I think our OT also checked for it, because it's actually something that can be affected by both the OT and VT side of things. You can ask your VT doc if he screened your ds for whether he should have an OT eval as well. You may have seen him to it in fact.


But really, beyond that, just run of the mill, nothing to stress about. I assume he's saying it's enough of an issue that you should treat it and not just let it go. He's not saying something dreadful or disastrous is about to happen with his eye health. He'll be fine. It's the kind of thing VT is great for. :)


I know I know. I just wasn't expecting it at all and it's just one more thing on his list. The doc was listed as a "fellow" on the covd site so I'm thinking he will be good. He's dyslexic too! He did all kinds of tests, it was quite a lengthy assessment. I have no problem understanding learning disabilities but it is hard for me to grasp that a vision problem could cause so many issues! He talked a lot about it causing problems with how ds organizes info and why he would rather play on the computer than play with toys. I'm looking forward to what the full eval says!

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When the info isn't even coming in straight, it's awfully hard to build on that.


Glad you like your doc! Finding a good one is half the battle. The other half is surviving the process. At least you've found it young. It's not fun to find these things, but a year from now life will be a lot better. Plug through and get to the other side. At least it's something you do and get over with, not a chronic thing. :)

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