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Low Cost of Living areas in US


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I'm off to Google this, but curious what the Hive's knowledge is of this topic.


My brother is having a case of itchy feet and is dreaming of moving but lives on a very fixed income (he is disabled) so needs low COL. His wife just got a job at the post office (part time) so if she could work in a postal job that would be a plus.

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Who knows how high things will be soon?


My county is low cost compared to some highly populated ones.


We live in the country though, so heating, sewer, garbage are going to vary from town to town.


Do they have a State or certain area they want to live?


Climate, food, and cost of living, as well as p.o. job availability all seem to be the priority.


Maybe job availability? And go from there?


Best of luck!:001_smile:

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I ran across a list of 10 lowest COL cities and most of them are in TX! So much for his desire to be where there is snow and mountains. :)


Two of the cities are in AR and within 2 hours of my brother. :glare:


If he wants snow and mountains, maybe north Alabama or Tennessee? Or Kentucky?

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I ran across a list of 10 lowest COL cities and most of them are in TX! So much for his desire to be where there is snow and mountains. :)


Two of the cities are in AR and within 2 hours of my brother. :glare:


If you live towards the panhandle there is a bit of that, though, I think those are generally the more expensive areas. To give you a bit of an idea of what it is like here we just moved out of a 3300sq ft house that we paid $194,000 to 5 acres that we paid a total of $20k for (including years of back taxes and some back utilities as it had a trailer on it) and are building a smaller 1700 sq ft house for just over $100K. The house will include a lot of custom upgrades.

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Rural areas tend to be low COL, and houses tend to be pretty inexpensive.




Lots of rural areas are having their post offices closed. Here in Cottonwood County Minnesota, there are just a few post offices. Word on the street is that all but the one in the county seat will be closed. Everyone would be switched to PO boxes, again except for the county seat. In the county seat all mail would be delivered to one set of boxes on each street corner, no more house delivery. I believe I have heard that all rural routes would be discontinued in favor of PO boxes.


So it's a Catch 22 situation for your brother and his wife - they could have a new place to live but it'd be very hard for your SIL to transfer.

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Rural areas tend to be low COL, and houses tend to be pretty inexpensive.




Lots of rural areas are having their post offices closed. Here in Cottonwood County Minnesota, there are just a few post offices. Word on the street is that all but the one in the county seat will be closed. Everyone would be switched to PO boxes, again except for the county seat. In the county seat all mail would be delivered to one set of boxes on each street corner, no more house delivery. I believe I have heard that all rural routes would be discontinued in favor of PO boxes.


So it's a Catch 22 situation for your brother and his wife - they could have a new place to live but it'd be very hard for your SIL to transfer.


Yep. I can't see how they could benefit themselves in any way by moving UNLESS this is about escaping bad associates (which I half expect may be his true motivation). They currently live in one of the most beautiful cities in AR---in the mountains, small town, our hometown so lots of support there AND she works part time for a post office that will never close because it is an isolated area. People from all over the country retire there....and he wants to move. :glare:

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Google, and check for states that don't tax SS, etc.

For retirees, e.g. rural eastern WA is cheaper than Kansas. I was amazed. Also, keep in mind lifestyle. Need major medical center without a 100 mile commute? Low income (taxable) but lives on gifts ... try a no sales tax state like Oregon.

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Try Tennessee. Cost of living is low, and eastern TN has mountains and snow.


This is true for Tennessee. However, as Elizabeth said, upthread, it is a Catch 22. Low COL but also lower paying jobs (and fewer jobs, at least in our area), and nothing to do. Where we are in TN, we can either drive 2 hours to Memphis for a few things, or 3 hours to Nashville for a few things, but neither really has the spread of stuff I'm looking for. I love being in a "city" like St Louis, Chicago, or Cincinnati.

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Things here in the more rural parts of MN aren't bad. Food is moderate, but rent/house prices are fairly low, especially over the last few years. Pay is decent, and at the moment there are quite a few manufacturing jobs available. MN also provides a lot of assistance for people with low incomes, especially with health care. Up until this year I had free state insurance that paid 100% of everything, and my dd still has that. Dh doesn't qualify, but his job with a manufacturing company has full benefits.

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SW Virginia is very low COL and has four seasons. We were in Wise county and were surprised how cheap it was.

Only real drawback is that it isn't diverse AT ALL. The KH was wonderful (friends were great), but they were awfully white!

I've never lived somewhere like that! It was a bit of a shock.


:) His current town is not diverse either. I think there are one or two black families in the entire county now---there were none at all when I was growing up. One family had a half-black foster kid and that was it.


But his oldest dd is dating a black man. :) Our family is about to become diverse! Whoo Hoo!


Btw, he hasn't mentioned moving at all since that one weird day when he was texting mom and me and getting irritated at us when we didn't praise his brilliant idea of moving. :glare:


I think whoever said he needs a vacation is right.

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We live in SC, the state with the cheapest gas prices in the US. :D The cost of living is fairly low as well. We live in the Upstate of SC, within 1 hour of Asheville (snow and mountains), and within 3 hours of Charleston and the beach.


Ahhh, we just spent a week on the NC/SC border and really enjoyed those gas prices. And food prices! Groceries were startlingly lower than in coastal GA!

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Oregon more than makes up for its no-sales-tax with PLENTY in property and income taxes. Glad to now be in sales-tax-Georgia, where our income tax is 2/3rds what it was and property tax is 1/2 what they were.


Google, and check for states that don't tax SS, etc.

For retirees, e.g. rural eastern WA is cheaper than Kansas. I was amazed. Also, keep in mind lifestyle. Need major medical center without a 100 mile commute? Low income (taxable) but lives on gifts ... try a no sales tax state like Oregon.

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SE Kansas is very low-cost. Largest city would be Independence. Many small towns in and around there are pleasant, quiet and very inexpensive. If it is a consideration for your brother, most of the small towns either have local medical clinics/hospitals or close access to one.

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We live close to Branson, and it is very low COL here. We are in the foothills of the Ozark mountains, and there are tons of rock outcroppings and such, so it looks like the mountains. It is very pretty here!


I am very familiar with that area and agree it is pretty. Where he lives in AR s very similar....which brings back to WHY move?


Oh well he hasn't mentioned it in a while...maybe he is over it now.

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