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Printing up ds's NaNo book?

Jayne J

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Ds is participating in NaNoWriMo this year, and his story is coming along well. He is really having fun, and is pretty proud of his work. I'd like to find somewhere to have it printed up into a few copies for family Christmas gifts, but I have no clue how to go about it. I would need to be able to include hand drawn pictures as well as typed text. Any suggestions? :bigear:

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We used Create Space to publish dd's Nano book, which handled a pdf created by Word pretty well. Can you scan the illustrations? Word had a little trouble with the author photo --- I've heard that Open Office does a better job making a pdf with illustrations, but I went with what I was familiar with.

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I typed up, scanned in, compiled, & "put together" my dd#2's first story using Lulu. There was a learning curve & several edits on my part (oops! need a blank page here, removing a page # there, etc.), but it went well. Everyone who has seen a copy has remarked at how nice it looks. And dd was pleased.


It is great that there are so many options nowadays!

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My brother self-published a YA novel he wrote using Blurb Booksmart and I thought it looked great.


:iagree: Blurb is a great self-publishing choice. I've used them before (mostly photo books, not text), and I've been quite pleased.


ETA: Their program for putting together/previewing your work before sending it to be printed seems very user-friendly, too.

Edited by SEGway
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Do they offer the free printing if they do NaNoWriMo under the adult program? I'm pretty sure my 14yo signed up under the adult section. She has been blazing away at her novel and is up over 18,000 words already.

Yes, all winners. Actually, I was surprised they offered it to the youth winners, since the kids get to set their own goal --- but dd was able to use the Nano coupon to print up the first 5 copies of her book.


I do recommend getting the editing and formatting done before the last day, so you can order a proof copy and check that everything is right before using your coupon. But it actually works up to the very last day of June, as we found out.

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