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Need some guidance on how to progress my dd, and keep her (and me) happy


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My oldest dd is 8 (9 in December). She seems to be accelerating every year. I started hsing her last year when she started 2nd grade. Not knowing what her strengths /weaknesses were, I had her tested at a local Sylvan Learning Center. She tested about a grade ahead in math, and 2 grades ahead in reading overall. Her reading speed is now at the 8th grade/freshmen level (tested at VT). She just retested at Sylvan, and gained 2 more years in math, and 3 in reading/vocab.


Okay, so I look at those results and tell myself that she is doing well in a hs environment, as far as academics. But sometimes, I feel I need to do more. Okay, what now?


I am doing Math Mammoth with her (we also have LOF, Beast, and lots of math games). Writing, I haven't really done much with (she was in VT last year, so I backed off on this). I do have Aesops and WWE. Spelling is AAS. Reading well, she will read all the time if she can. I let her pick out her own, and then I add classics, Sonlight books, etc. Science, we are starting Human Body Detectives. History is SOTW 2.


What am I missing?


She seems like a kid who if she is not "busy" with school, her behaviour gets a little, well you know. I am trying to wrap my arms around her. She can be this incredible little girl who will sit so still and learn everything. Then, she gets bored, and just runs around like a 3 year old maniac. Is this normal? Do any of you have kids like this? I am seeing more of this lately. I am wondering if maybe I am not "challenging" her enough, and then she gets bored and "loses" it.


I know I asked a lot of questions, I hoped this makes some sense. I know Sylvan is not the ideal place for testing, but it was cheap, close by and fast results. I am not sure who I would even take her to for testing - is it a neuropsych? I have thought about this lately, to see if there is a program out there that I could get her into.


Thanks for reading all of this. Boy, I need to get to bed.

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She can be this incredible little girl who will sit so still and learn everything. Then, she gets bored, and just runs around like a 3 year old maniac. Is this normal? Do any of you have kids like this? .


Both my boys behave that way when they are bored. I just tell hubby they are "hyper". I sometimes joke that they have ants in their pants.

If they are at home, I just direct them to work on their personal interest. Younger boy would make simple machines from his Legos, older boy would usually go read.


Other than school work, I just let them be interest led and just borrow the books, buy materials if affordable and let them "run with the wind". I don't mind them reading middle or high school reference books on anything that interest them.


ETA: I didn't do any testing but I am sure a few of us would be able to answer you on testing for talent search and stuff.

Edited by Arcadia
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My 10.5yo dd (5th grade) has been really pushing the envelope. I added Latin for Children... we did science and history every day. We use a time allotment for math. I worked hard to try to keep school challenging enough, but not so challenging that her life was all about school. However, I wasn't really succeeding. At the end of her 4th grade year, she was still completing all of her school work in about 3 hours...and that was spending about an hour on math. I didn't worry too much, because she then spent most of the afternoon reading and drawing.


We have gone sideways as much as we could. At this point, we have to go forward. You may be reaching a similar point with your child. Some kids get really tired of going sideways, and this plays out in attitude. Additionally, kids know the difference between doing "more" for the sake of doing "more."


This year, dd is having to learn some lessons about how to WORK. My 10yo is now taking 2 high school level courses (by high school level, I mean content, pacing and output). She wants to move forward in math (start Algebra 1), I want to make sure the foundation is really solid, so she's starting AoPS Pre-Algebra next week...I've explained that it goes deeper and further than Fred (gets into Algebra 1), and that with the direction she wants to go (Marine Biology), it is absolutely vital that her algebra skills are extremely solid. She's grudgingly accepted that, for now. She is also doing Abeka Physical Science, which is considered a high school text (although I consider it pretty light)...and we're using it as intended. She's outlining the chapters (3 level outline), completing the labs, answering the questions and taking the quizzes and tests. She's working through Wheelock's Latin with an on-line high school class. Latin probably takes her the most time (she spends about an hour a day on Latin...vs. Latin for Children last year, in which she pretty much only studied on the days she was in class :tongue_smilie:).


So, my suggestion would be, up the level and challenge in areas your dd is interested...something she really has to dig into, and she's excited to dig in, because she enjoys the subject.

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