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What IS a reasonable re-homing fee for a dog?

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I have been looking through CL ads and posted a wanted ad as well. I've seen anywhere from $25 to $300 for a re-homing fee. What IS reasonable to you?


We moved across the country and re-homed our pets. We didn't ask a fee. I know that all of our pets found good homes. I just can't understand how folks think that $300 is reasonable?



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I know there are shelters and vets who do advise not to offer your pets for free. If I remember correctly, the thought is that it will eliminate some who might be acting impulsively, and those who might be looking to sell your animal themselves or cause the pet harm.


I don't know what a reasonable amount would be. I see ads where people are looking to recoup their own costs, i.e. vaccinations, vet visits, etc. That seems ridiculous.


And you are not supposed to SELL pets on CL, so some sellers call it a re-homing fee to get around the rule.

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I know there are shelters and vets who do advise not to offer your pets for free. If I remember correctly, the thought is that it will eliminate some who might be acting impulsively, and those who might be looking to sell your animal themselves or cause the pet harm.


I don't know what a reasonable amount would be. I see ads where people are looking to recoup their own costs, i.e. vaccinations, vet visits, etc. That seems ridiculous.


And you are not supposed to SELL pets on CL, so some sellers call it a re-homing fee to get around the rule.


Yes, I am in total agreement. Some posts are very obvious that they are either breeders or just not in love with their dog.

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Private owners? Then "re-homing fee" is just a trendy term for "price". ;)


A rescue gets to legitimately call it that since they are giving you something for it other than just the animal--like vet checks, spaying or neutering. They also have the experience to be sure the dog is a good fit for your family and you get the peace of mind knowing they can take the animal back if needed.

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I have been looking through CL ads and posted a wanted ad as well. I've seen anywhere from $25 to $300 for a re-homing fee. What IS reasonable to you?


We moved across the country and re-homed our pets. We didn't ask a fee. I know that all of our pets found good homes. I just can't understand how folks think that $300 is reasonable?




Whatever the person spent taking care of the dog. Otherwise, it is just profiteering.

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Whenever we have had to rehome a pet, we don't ask for anything. A month or so ago we saw a lady with puppies on the side of the road, so we stopped to look at them. They were 8 week old yorkie poos (fancy term for a MUTT) who were completely flea ridden, their nails were so long they were growing back into the pads, and she had them sprayed with "dog perfume" so they STUNK to high heaven. She was asking $350 for them!! I immediately handed the puppy back to her and walked away. No way am I going to pay that much for a flea ridden mutt, no matter what you call it.

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Whenever we have had to rehome a pet, we don't ask for anything. A month or so ago we saw a lady with puppies on the side of the road, so we stopped to look at them. They were 8 week old yorkie poos (fancy term for a MUTT) who were completely flea ridden, their nails were so long they were growing back into the pads, and she had them sprayed with "dog perfume" so they STUNK to high heaven. She was asking $350 for them!! I immediately handed the puppy back to her and walked away. No way am I going to pay that much for a flea ridden mutt, no matter what you call it.



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Some say if the price is too low people will buy them and resell them to labs who then use them for experiments.


Most "bunchers"--people who sell dogs to labs--won't pay anything for a dog. There are plenty to be had from "free to good home" ads, and there are plenty of outside dogs, or dogs who get left outside while their owners are at work, that make easy pickings.


IMO $50 is a reasonable rehoming fee. The whole idea behind a fee is that if someone is willing to pay for a pet they're more likely to have thought it through and will be more likely to take good care of the pet. It's not to make a profit or recoup every penny you ever spent on a pet.


There are many back yard breeders on Craigslist asking exhorbitant "rehoming" fees for young puppies.

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I have been looking through CL ads and posted a wanted ad as well. I've seen anywhere from $25 to $300 for a re-homing fee. What IS reasonable to you?


We moved across the country and re-homed our pets. We didn't ask a fee. I know that all of our pets found good homes. I just can't understand how folks think that $300 is reasonable?




I think it really depends on the bread of the dog, the age, shots, fixed. If your dog is not going to need any vet attention in the next few months that is worth something. Also, I have been told that it is important to charge a re-homing fee to keep weird people away. They aren't looking for dogs that cost to use for illicit reasons.

I don't mind paying a re-homing fee any more than I mind paying a reasonable fee to an animal shelter. $300? Probably not.


If I were you I would start watching Pet Find for your area. That is where we got our puppy and he is a dear.

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I got all my dogs off CL. I personally wouldnt pay more than $50 unless it was a pure bred dog. None of mine came with anything and none were fixed. All were puppies.


1- $15 (retriever/shep/lab mix)

2- free (lab)

3- free (lab/husky mix)

4- $50 (beagle)


and we did have one (basset) that wondered in our yard but he passed away from Cancer.

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I got all my dogs off CL. I personally wouldnt pay more than $50 unless it was a pure bred dog. None of mine came with anything and none were fixed. All were puppies.


1- $15 (retriever/shep/lab mix)

2- free (lab)

3- free (lab/husky mix)

4- $50 (beagle)


and we did have one (basset) that wondered in our yard but he passed away from Cancer.


Some are pure bred dogs. However, most are adult dogs, need shots and need to be fixed. I don't understand people having dogs that aren't fixed. I don't want to get a dog and then have to drop it off at the vet's office to be fixed. I want the dog to have time to bond with our family. It's sad that people are asking $300 for dog that needs lots of attention.

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We recently paid $325 on Craigslist for our two purebred Maltese dogs. They are not quite a year old, were both neutered (two males) and came with vet records which showed that they had all shots, deworming, etc. They also came with one collar, two leashes, a food bowl, a crate that they slept in, a blanket, a bag of food and some flea treatment. We needed Maltese due to one son's allergies to other breeds. The family who was rehoming them was taking a three month trip. Boarding them for that long is very expensive so they sold them. The man said he had spent $1400 on the dogs and all of their care thusfar, and I have no reason to doubt that. They are not due for shots again until next May. They are not chipped, but that is really the only thing that is missing. I think we got a more than fair deal given that we needed a specific breed of purebred dog.

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Most "bunchers"--people who sell dogs to labs--won't pay anything for a dog. There are plenty to be had from "free to good home" ads, and there are plenty of outside dogs, or dogs who get left outside while their owners are at work, that make easy pickings.


IMO $50 is a reasonable rehoming fee. The whole idea behind a fee is that if someone is willing to pay for a pet they're more likely to have thought it through and will be more likely to take good care of the pet. It's not to make a profit or recoup every penny you ever spent on a pet.


There are many back yard breeders on Craigslist asking exhorbitant "rehoming" fees for young puppies.


:iagree: In my areas, bunchers have stolen dogs from fenced in backyards.


Also, resellers are keen on stealing the small toy breeds that are so popular these days.

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I think if you're incapable of caring for your animal for whatever reason, there should be NO "rehoming fee." There is absolutely no difference between a "rehoming fee" and flat out selling an animal. It's all the same, just painted differently to make it sound nicer. Sometimes there really are legit reasons to give up an animal; I get that. However, instead of asking someone to pay you so you can "make sure Fido is going to a good home," do a little homework. Ask questions, inspect the home, call their vet, etc. Asking for a fee does not ensure that the animal is going to a safe home. Likewise, "free to good home" does not mean "free to the first person who can come get it." Do some homework. Find the RIGHT home for the animal so it doesn't end up bouncing from home to home and shelter to shelter for the rest of its life.

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We were looking for a puppy after our Golden died in August. My dh was set on a border collie puppy <3mo at first. He did end up okay with just <3mo after he finally believed me about the energy levels of border collies.


On Cragslist, the puppies were mostly listed in the $100-200 range, but when I actually called, I was always told at least double the price that the ad said.


We ended up getting our puppy from the shelter and she was just $25. She had already had her first set of shots, was spayed, and was microchipped. She was 2.5mo. She's really a great puppy, but she has a high energy level. She's probably mostly German shepherd.

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