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K 9 Web Protection is a free download and lets you set time standards on specific sites or types of sites. When dd was spending more time listening to music on the web than on school we blocked everything but her school site. We've used it for years and its easy and free!

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Okay, but my next problem is that they each have a laptop that they bought and use for school. They use wifi through the router that hooks to the main desktop. Can I block it somehow on the main desktop computer and make it filter through to theirs somehow, or do I need to download that on each of their computers? Problem with that would be my computer savy daughter would figure that out in about two minutes if I put it on her computer and could easily turn it off. They both have classes online, etc and I just wanted to block it during school hours to keep them on task. Too much temptation just to check facebook "real quick", :glare:!!!

Edited by proudmamma
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