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Need book rec. For young adult who suspects he has aspergers (x post)

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I would recommend the HBO movie made about Temple Grandin (the title of the movie is Temple Grandin and can most likely be found at the library). I really liked reading "Emergence" (her story about growing up with Autism) and for more practical advice "The Way I See It". There are also many lectures from Dr. Grandin available on You Tube.


Also, Dr. Grandin has written a book with a young man (Sean Barron) called "The Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships". I have that one on my list but I was thinking, since this is a young man we are talking about, the book by Sean Barron and his mom with the title "There's a Boy in Here" might be a good choice as a starting point.

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Sorry, I didn't clarify! I have not read Sean Barron's book, but I do have it on my list to get for my boys at some point (mine are still young). We are on the suspecting Asperger's stage, also :).

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