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The Last Emperor (movie)

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I'm going to watch it first, but since my dd11 (almost 12) is currently studying China in SL Core F, and b/c this movie came highly recommended by one of our guides during our trip to China to adopt dd4, I'd like for my dd11 to watch it, too. Just wanting a heads up on what earned this movie an R rating. Thanks!

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I would recommend that you look at the Parental Guidelines section for this movie at imdb.com


I saw this movie back when it was in the theater...it is very good, but there are a few scenes that are disturbing. I do not think I would recommend for an 11 year old, although 11 year olds do vary in their ability to handle mature content.


I think you are wise in watching it first...

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There's a weird extended breastfeeding scene (and I'm all for extended bf'ing, so I swear, this is not an indictment of that - it's just that in this context, it seems oddly s*xual, in part because it's not his mother).


There's also some minor s*xual content about him and his two wives, but it's nothing explicit. I can't remember if there's any other nudity - it's very brief, if there is.


The drug use is important to the time period (opium) so I wouldn't cut that, myself. That's pretty integral to understanding what happened between China and the West.


ETA: Some of the stuff about the war and the Cultural Revolution at the very end are the more disturbing things, I think. It's a good movie and I think most 11 and 12 yos could handle most of it, but I would screen it first.

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I'm going to watch it first, but since my dd11 (almost 12) is currently studying China in SL Core F, and b/c this movie came highly recommended by one of our guides during our trip to China to adopt dd4, I'd like for my dd11 to watch it, too. Just wanting a heads up on what earned this movie an R rating. Thanks!



The young emperor, depicted at approximately the age of five, nurses on his wet-nurse and her booKs are shown and there is definitely mouth to booK contact unless they somehow contrived that differently but made it look legitimate.


Lots of s*xual inudendo about the orientation of both the emperor and his wife and their escapades though I dont' remember any other nudity than the above.


A disturbing scene at the end (not certain if it is historically accurate or fiction) in which the empress's child is "put down" immediately at birth and she is drugged so she won't remember exactly what happened. She is then placed in a mental institution. I think it could be rather upsetting for an 11 year old unless she's pretty mature about such content.



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I watched it when I was about 12. I do not remember a thing about the cultural revolution, but I remember being disturbed when the baby is killed and some sex scene where there are 3 in the bed at once. I think there was a loose silk cover over them, but at age 12 I had never thought about 3 at once and found it extremely disturbing.

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I watched it when I was about 12. I do not remember a thing about the cultural revolution, but I remember being disturbed when the baby is killed and some sex scene where there are 3 in the bed at once. I think there was a loose silk cover over them, but at age 12 I had never thought about 3 at once and found it extremely disturbing.


Yikes! I bought the DVD a while back, but I haven't watched it myself yet. This thread definitely reinforces my notion that I'd better watch it before I show it to dd(almost)12.

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