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Anyone know how to convert this type of file for free?

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A company sent my dh a scanned generator repair manual that is 500+ pages long. Problem is, it is in jpeg format. Is there any way to convert all the files into one pdf document for easier opening & printing?


I tried googling it but WOW! I am afraid to download anything unless I know it is safe since my last virus fiasco lol.


I do not have MS word or Adobe paid version. I figured with all the combined knowledge of the hive, someone would know SOME free (and easy) program for me to do this. Maybe?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)

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For creating PDF files, I've used a free PDF printer program called bullzip. You can find it at www.bullzip.com. It creates a "printer" that you can select rather than a normal printer. When you select this printer, it outputs a PDF file of your document rather than a paper printout.


This would work once you have all of the JPEGs in a single file. There are several things that come up in a Google search for combining JPEGs into one PDF. However, I have no other experience with them.


Alternatively, you could have them scanned into one PDF. I would think that Kinko's, Office Max, Office Depot, etc. would be able to do this. Who knows what it would cost thought. At my work, we have combo machines that are network printers, copier, scanner, fax all in one. These are standup machines that look like a standard copier, but do everything else also. They can scan a stack of sheets into a PDF document in nothing flat.

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I have opened up the folder, selected them all, making sure that the top one selected is the first file (otherwise it seemed to put it at the end), then "printed" them with a free program called doPDF. It did not require all the jpegs to be in one file, and it doesn't put a watermark. In other words, I have successfully done this with doPDF.


(I don't have fancy Adobe software or Microsoft office. I use Open Office. None of them were required to do this conversion, though.)

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