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Where to start MUS with a 2nd grader


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Currently doing Singapore with ds and it is just not working for him...I'm getting ready to try MUS and can't decide on Alpha or Beta to start.


Would you start a 2nd grader who is still very slow with his addition/subtraction facts at Alpha? He understands addition and subtraction but is very slow and still relies on his fingers and counting up/down.


I'm thinking Alpha would give him some strategies to help him remember his facts, but I'm also afraid it would be way too easy. What do you think?

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Alpha does focus quite heavily on memorizing the addition facts so that fingers aren't needed to count on, so I would recommend using it. There are only 30 lessons per level (with enough work to stretch each one out over 6-8 days, if necessary), so you could fly right through it and just slow down when needed. I am using it with a 3rd grader, and in six-ish weeks we have covered 20 lessons and she has all of her addition facts (up to 9+9) memorized. She has learned the facts so well that subtraction is a piece of cake - she understands its relationship to addition and so she knows what the answer is and why.

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Yes, Alpha. I did this with my now 16yo. You really are not behind if you want to just do a level/year. My daughter is in Geometry in 10th, which is just where we want to be. She struggled with facts in grade 1 and everything clicked in grade 2 with MUS. It was wonderful and we still like it. She has had NO drama all these years, always aces the tests!



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Thanks Ladies! I'm not as worried about being behind... I just want to make sure that Alpha is a good fit. You have reassured me that it is exactly what I'm looking for... good to know that others have done the same thing I'm planning to do.


Now just need to decide if I want to order Beta at the same time I order Alpha. I think we will likely move through Alpha quickly and shipping is expensive...

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When I pulled my oldest of public school, dd was entering 2nd grade and didn't know her facts well at all. I started her in Alpha and I'm glad I did. It gave her a very solid foundation. She's dyslexic and everything is hard for her, but even if a child learns at a more excellerated pace, that solid foundation is essential. You can always move your child through more the material more quickly if they can.

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I did see the placement test... the thing is he can solve all the problems on the Alpha test but he does so with counting up/down, he doesn't know his math facts by memory... I think the placement tests are more useful once you get beyone alpha (he definitely can't pass the Beta test!)

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I agree, start with alpha. should give him the strategies to solve those problems mentally. If it is a little on the easy side you can always skip some of the revision pages and get through it quicker but i thing you need that solid foundation before moving on.

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